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British Wildlife is the leading natural history magazine in the UK, providing essential reading for both enthusiast and professional naturalists and wildlife conservationists. Published eight times a year, British Wildlife bridges the gap between popular writing and scientific literature through a combination of long-form articles, regular columns and reports, book reviews and letters.

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Conservation Land Management

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Conservation Land Management (CLM) ist ein Mitgliedermagazin und erscheint viermal im Jahr. Das Magazin gilt allgemein als unverzichtbare Lektüre für alle Personen, die sich aktiv für das Landmanagement in Großbritannien einsetzen. CLM enthält Artikel in Langform, Veranstaltungslisten, Buchempfehlungen, neue Produktinformationen und Berichte über Konferenzen und Vorträge.

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Akademische und professionelle Bücher  Ornithology  Birds: General

Birds of the Photo Ark

Art / Photobook
By: Joel Sartore(Illustrator), Noah Strycker(Author)
240 pages, colour photos
Birds of the Photo Ark
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  • Birds of the Photo Ark ISBN: 9781426218989 Hardback May 2018 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1 week
Price: £24.99
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Birds of the Photo ArkBirds of the Photo ArkBirds of the Photo ArkBirds of the Photo Ark

About this book

For avian enthusiasts, from armchair observers to dedicated life-listers, this brilliant book from acclaimed National Geographic photographer Joel Sartore celebrates the beauty of all birds, great and small. This elegantly packaged celebration of birds from around the world unites incredible animal portraits from Joel Sartore's distinguished National Geographic Photo Ark project with inspiring text by up-and-coming birder Noah Strycker. It includes hundreds of species, from tiny finches to charismatic eagles; brilliant toucans, intricate birds of paradise, and perennial favourites such as parrots, hummingbirds, and owls also make colourful appearances.

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Joel Sartore is a photographer, author, and 25-year contributor to National Geographic magazine. Through his National Geographic Photo Ark project, he will photograph every species of animal under human care, an estimated 12,000. Sartore often appears on national television, including an upcoming three-part PBS special, and he is a frequent guest on CBS Sunday Morning.

Noah Strycker is a writer, photographer, and birding expert. In 2015 he set a world record by seeing 6,042 species of birds (more than half the birds on Earth) in a year. Author of The Thing With Feathers and Among Penguins, he is also associate editor of Birding magazine and writes often for Audubon and other publications. He lives near Eugene, Oregon.

Art / Photobook
By: Joel Sartore(Illustrator), Noah Strycker(Author)
240 pages, colour photos
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