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Academic & Professional Books  Organismal to Molecular Biology  Genetics & Genomics

Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution

By: Nina V Fedoroff(Author)
240 pages
Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution
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  • Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution ISBN: 9780470959947 Hardback Apr 2013 Out of stock with supplier: order now to get this when available
Price: £184.95
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About this book

Transposable elements, or transposons, make up a significant proportion of the genetic material found in a plant genomes. Now recognized for their ability to illuminate the evolving nature of plants and their day-to-day function, transposable elements are a key component of molecular and genetic research.

Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution is a comprehensive reference on transposable genetic elements in plants and their impacts on plant evolution and development. It provides broad-ranging coverage of mobile genetic elements and looks at the natural history of transponsons. Plant Transposons and Genome Dynamics in Evolution is a single source reference on the diverse and abundant genetic elements found within plants.


Part I.      Natural history of transposons
Chapter 1. Discovery of plant transposable elements (Nina Fedoroff)
Chapter 2.  Transposon structures, categories and numbers (Jeff Bennetzen and/or Enrico Coen)

Part II.    Molecular genetics and epigenetics of plant transposons
Chapter 3.  Molecular genetics and transposition mechanisms (Tom Peterson and/or George Coupland)
Chapter 4.  Use of transposons as mutagens and gene tags (Jonathan Jones and Caroline Dean)

Part III.   Epigenetic regulation of transposons
Chapter 5.  Transposon epigenetics (Nina Fedoroff)
Chapter 6.  Molecular biology of transposon epigenetic regulation (Rob Martienssen or Vicki Chandler)

Part IV.   Transposons in development and physiology
Chapter 7.  Transposons in gene regulation (Susan Wessler)
Chapter 8.  Transposons in genome imprinting (Steve Henikoff)

Part V.    Transposons in evolution
Chapter 9.   Transposons and gene creation (Hugo Dooner)
Chapter 10.  Transposons and genome evolution (Jeff Bennetzen)
Chapter 11.  Transposons in allopolyploidization and speciation (Avi Levy)

Customer Reviews

By: Nina V Fedoroff(Author)
240 pages
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