In remote areas of some countries, levels of medical hygiene are not always of a high standard, particularly in terms of access to medical equipment. In case of emergency, the Sterile Travel First Aid Kit is designed to be handed to a qualified medical person ensuring that they have immediate access to basic sterile equipment. The contents of this set have been specified by surgeons and doctors with experience of emergencies in remote areas.
Key Features
* Contains 29 items
* Belt-loop attachment
* Waterproof zip
* Easy access
* Primary care leaflet
* Sterile card & Fabric plasters
* Wound closure strips
* Antiseptic wipes
* Braided silk suture & scalpel
* Vinyl gloves & micropore tape
* Hypodermic needles & syringes
Length: 140mm
Width: 80mm
Depth: 50mm
Weight: 185g
Material: 150D, PU coated ripstop fabric