Designed for a one-semester introductory course in Animal Behavior. Animal behavior is a broad discipline with investigators and contributions from diverse perspectives, including anthropology, comparative psychology, ecology, ethology, physiology, and zoology. The authors goal in this textbook is to use evolutionary principles as a unifying theme to provide students exposure to a number of approaches to the field of animal behavior. They also demonstrate that the varied perspectives used to study behavior are complementary and often integrated; they are not mutually exclusive. The subtitle, “Mechanisms, Ecology, and Evolution,” reflects the broad themes that dominate the book.
Part One The Study of Animal Behavior1 Introduction to Animal Behavior2 History of the Study of Animal Behavior3 Approaches and MethodsPart Two Behavior Genetics and Evolution4 Genes and Evolution5 Behavioral Genetics6 Evolution of Behavior PatternsPart Three Mechanisms of Behavior7 The Nervous System8 Hormones and Behavior, and Immunology and Behavior9 Biological Rhythms10 Development of Behavior11 Learning12 CommunicationPart Four Finding Food and Shelter13 Migration, Orientation, and Navigation14 Habitat Selection15 Foraging BehaviorPart Five Social Organization and Mating Systems16 Conflict17 Sexual Reproduction and Parental Care18 Mating Systems and Parental Care19 Social Systems
Lee Drickamer received a PhD in zoology from Michigan State University and is currently teaching at Northern Arizona University. His research interests include population biology, behavioral ecology of rodents, reproductive traits in field mice, comparative mating behavior of stink bugs, and dominance in domestic swine. Lee has been very active in the Animal Behavior Society and the American Society of Zoologists. He also is a member of the American Society of Mammalogists, American Society of Primatologists, British Ecological Society, Ecological Society of America, Illinois Academy of Science, International Society for Behavioral Ecology, Society of American Naturalists, and Wilson Ornithological Society. Lee is lead author of Drickamer et al: Animal Behavior, 4e, also published by WCB/McGraw-Hill. Stephen H. Vessey is Professor Emeritus of Biological Sciences at Bowling Green State University. His research interests include the behavioral ecology of mammals, especially primates and rodents. He has been studying a population of white-footed mice in northwestern Ohio for more than 25 years. He is a formed associate editor of the Journal of Mammalogy and is a Fellow of the Animal Behavior Society. He has taught mammalogy and animal behavior at Bowling Green for 28 years, and is co-author of Animal Behavior, 4/e with Lee Drickamer.