Language: Bilingual in English and Chinese
The gymnosperms are arborescent, and have 13 families with about 75 genera and 850 species which are widely distributed in five continents. Totally, 10 families with 34 genera and about 250 species of gymnosperms are found in China. This book introduces the definition, morphology and structure features of gymnosperms. It also records the structures features, physical mechanical and working properties and utilization of gymnosperms in China which are 142 species (9 families and 38 genera). Each species are recorded in this book which have the name of wood, wood structures, physical and mechanical properties and working properties and utilization, each species are attached to the microscopic photographs, part of species with geographical distribution graph.
Chapter 1 Gymnospermae introduction
1.1 Definition of gymnosperms
1.2 Morphology and structure features of gymnosperms
1.3 Systematic position of gymnosperms
1.4 Gymnosperms classification system
1.5 Gymnosperms during the geological times
1.6 Gymnosperms distribution in the world
1.7 Gymnosperms distribution in China
Chapter 2 Wood structures of gymnosperms and their identification features
2.1 Wood structures of gymnosperms
2.2 Microstructure features of gymnosperms and their application in wood identification
Chapter 3 The structures features, physical& mechanical and working properties and utilization of gymnosperms woods in China
Chinese name index of genus and species
Latin name index of genus and species