A unique compilation of most innovative research articles of eminent biologists of India. The sum total of all varieties of genes present in a population or species constitutes a gene pool. Loss of biodiversity means the genetic erosion or the loss of genes from the gene pool. Over the past few decades, the rate of global loss of biodiversity and the consequent biotic impoverishment has been increasing alarming. Exponential growth in human population and the consequent growth in consumption of the world's natural resources have led to the accelerated loss of species and habitats. The fragmentation of population by destruction of habitats has also been contributing to the extinction of species and loss of genetic diversity. The issues of biodiversity loss and its conservation are remarkable in developing countries because of huge population, poverty and lack of awareness. This book will be helpful for Post Graduate students, research scholars, and scientists as well as for those persons who are engaged in the field of biodiversity conservation ecology.