Standard textbook for the field. The new edition takes in all the developments of the past five years. This book aims to present a thorough introduction to the principles of parsimony, methods of tree-building, and tree statistics, as well as looking at the use of cladistics in biogeography and classification.
Preface; Ch. 1 - Introduction to cladistic concepts; Ch. 2 - Characters and character coding; Ch. 3 - Cladogram construction, character polarity, and rooting; Ch. 4 - Optimization and the effects of missing values; Ch. 5 - Measures of character fit and character weighting; Ch. 6 - Support and confidence statistics for cladograms and groups; Ch. 7 - Consensus trees; Ch. 8 - Simultaneous and partitioned analysis; Ch. 9 - Three-item statements analysis; References; Glossary; Appendix: Computer programs