Condition and Health Indicators of Exploited Marine Fishes combines historic information with recent advances in the field.
The methods that can be used are summarized and the main results from studies displayed to facilitate better understanding of the relationship between fish physiology and biological traits that are important for fisheries productivity such as growth, reproduction and mortality. Intended for fisheries managers, fisheries scientists, fish biologists, fish disease workers, fish veterinarians and all those concerned with fish health.
Foreword viii
Preface xi
Acknowledgments xiv
1 Description of condition indicators 1
2 Physiological and biochemical condition indicators: their relevance in fish metabolism 17
3 Indicators of functional activity 42
4 Fish condition and life history 52
5 Influence of environmental and anthropogenic factors on fish condition 111
6 Fish condition as a measure of environmental status and habitat quality 158
7 Use of fish condition indicators to improve stock assessment and fisheries management 194
Conclusions 206
References 207
Index 244
Dr Josep Lloret is a fisheries biologist who carries out pioneering research on fish condition and its influence on life-history traits such as reproduction and growth. His research tasks were conducted at the CSIC and the University of Girona, Spain, the Institute of Sea Fisheries-Thünen Institute, Germany and the CNRS in France.
Dr Prof. Georgiy Shulman is a marine animal biologist, and a specialist in fish ecology and physiology. His well-known investigations have great significance for fish adaptations, biodiversity, life history, and productivity as well as fishery problems. His research is carried out at the Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas, Ukraine.
Dr R. Malcolm Love has been a world-known fish biochemist and biotechnologist. He carried out research in the fields of fish chemical biology and fish used as human food. Unfortunately, Dr Love passed away in 2006, but previously he worked at Torry Research Station, Aberdeen, UK.
"Because of this, the book is most appropriate for advanced students interested in fisheries, fisheries managers, and professionals in the field. Summing Up: Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates and above."
– Choice, 1 September 2014
"It is certainly the most comprehensive volume on fish condition published to date."
– Fish & Fisheries, 4 October 2014
"This book represents an essential contribution to the biology of marine fishes and will be an extremely valuable guide for the monitoring, conservation and sustainable exploitation of fish stocks."
– Marine Biology Research, 1 September 2014