Dictyostelium Discoideum Protocols: Methods and Protocols offers an introduction to the amoebozoa, presents large-scale analysis methods made possible by the completion of the Dictyostelium genome sequence, and details molecular genetics techniques, cell biological, biochemical and biophysical methods.
1. The Amoebozoa Christina Schilde and Pauline Schaap
2. The Model Organism Dictyostelium discoideum Salvatore Bozzaro
3. Comparative Genomics of the Dictyostelids William F. Loomis
4. One Stop Shop for Everything Dictyostelium: DictyBase and the Dicty Stock Center in 2012 Petra Fey, Robert J. Dodson, Siddhartha Basu and Rex L. Chisholm
5. Fluorescent Reporters and Methods to Analyze Fluorescent Signals Annette Muller-Taubenberger and Hellen C. Ishikawa-Ankerhold
6. Collection and Cultivation of Dictyostelids from the Wild Tracy E. Douglas, Debra A. Brock, Boahemaa Adu-Oppong, David C. Queller and Joan E. Strassmann
7. Identification and Verification of microRNAs by High-throughput Sequencing Jimmie Hallman, Lotta Avesson, Johan Reimegard, Max Kaller and Fredrik Soderbom
8. Transcriptional Profiling of Dictyostelium with RNA Sequencing Edward Roshan Miranda, Gregor Rot, Marko Toplak, Balaji Santhanam, Tomaz Curk, Gad Shaulskyand Blaz Zupan
9. Analysis of Chromatin Organization by Deep Sequencing Technologies James L. Platt, Nick A. Kent, Adrian J. Harwood, and Alan R. Kimmel
10. Pharmacogenetics of Resistance to Cisplatin and Other Anti-cancer Drugs and the Role of Sphingolipid Metabolism Stephen Alexander, William S. Swatson, Hannah Alexander
11. N-glycomic and -Glycoproteomic Studies in the Social Amoebae Christa L. Feasley, Alba Hykollari, Katharina Paschinger, Iain B. H. Wilson, and Christopher M. West
12. Measuring Cheating, Fitness, and Segregation in D. discoideum Neil J Buttery, Jeff smith, David C Queller and Joan E Strassmann
13. The Application of the Cre-loxP System for Generating Multiple Knock-Out and Knock-In Targeted Loci Jan Faix, Joern Linkner, Benjamin Nordholz, James L. Platt, Xin-Hua Liao, and Alan R. Kimmel
14. Extrachromosomal Inducible Expression Douwe M. Veltman and Peter J.M. Van Haastert
15. Isolation of Dictyostelium Nuclei for Light and Electron Microscopy Petros Batsios, Otto Baumann, Ralph Graf and Irene Meyer
16. Investigation of DNA Repair Pathway Activity Anne-Marie C. Couto, Nicholas D. Lakin and Catherine J. Pears
17. Transcript Localization in D. discoideum Cells by RNA FISH Patrick Hofmann, Janis Kruse and Christian Hammann
18. Analysis of Mitochondrial Gene Expression Jessica E. Accari, Sam Manna, Paul R. Fisher, and Christian Barth
19. Mitochondrial Respiratory Complex Function and the Phenotypic Consequences of Dysfunction Sarah J. Annesley, Sergio Carilla-Latorre, Ricardo Escalante and Paul R. Fisher
20. Micropipette Aspiration for Studying Cellular Mechanosensory Responses and Mechanics Yee-Seir Kee and Douglas N. Robinson
21. Quantitative Analysis of Phagocytosis and Phagosome Maturation Natascha Sattler, Roger Monroy and Thierry Soldati
22. Setting Up and Monitoring an Infection of Dictyostelium discoideum with Mycobacteria Sonia Arafah, Sebastien Kicka, Valentin Trofimov, Monica Hagedorn, Nuria Andreu, Siouxsie Wiles, Brian Robertson, and Thierry Soldati
23. Isolation of Pathogen-containing Vacuoles Olga Shevchuk and Michael Steinert
24. Immuno-magnetic Purification of Fluorescent Legionella-containing Vacuoles Ivo Finsel, Christine Hoffmann and Hubert Hilbi
25. Secretory Lysosomes in Dictyostelium: Visualization, Characterization and Dynamics Wanessa C. Lima and Pierre Cosson
26. Monitoring Autophagy in Dictyostelium Ana Mesquita, Javier Calvo-Garrido, Sergio Carilla-Latorre and Ricardo Escalante