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The only introductory work on the subject. Can be used by students without prior ecological training, as the first half of the book summarises the basic principles of ecology.
Introduction. Population Dynamics. Communities. Genetics of Populations. Effects on Habitats. Effects on Individual Organisms. Predictions of Ecological Effects. Monitoring and Assessment. Case Studies. Conclusions. References. Index.
Customer Reviews
Frank Moriarty, Ph.D., has spent over 25 years researching the ecological effects of pollution. For over 8 years he was part of a research unit working on plant-parasitic nematodes at the University of Cambridge. He also joined the Nature Conservancy, and later became part of the Natural Environmental Research Council.
Out of Print
By: F Moriarty
347 pages, Tables, figs.
...this is one of the most absorbing books on any subject I have read in recent times. This book will especially be useful for students in ecology, biochemistry, environmental studies, pollution science and industry. ...I would fully recommend this book to everyone who wants to know more about this exciting new branch. Anil Aggrawal for ANIL AGGRAWAL'S INTERNET JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY (2002) "The book on the whole is written lucidly, rendering a complicated area of toxicology easy to comprehend and assimilate. The presentation of the subject is flawless and the list of references at the end of the book is impressively exhaustive. ...All in all, this book could serve as an individual addition to any library stocking books on toxicology, as well as an asset to all students and professionals dealing with any aspect of the subject." V.V. Pillay for ANIL AGGRAWAL'S INTERNET JOURNAL OF FORENSIC MEDICINE AND TOXICOLOGY (2002) "... it contains a wealth of ecotoxicological reference data, so as a sourcebook it has considerable utility. It certainly has a place on the bookshelf of all toxicologists and ecotoxicologists." - JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY