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This text describes methods of culturing epithelial cells so as to mimic accurately their behaviour in vivo. The resulting model systems can be used in a wide range of research areas: pharmaceutics, pharmacology, toxicology and cell biology. The culture technique involves growing cells on a porous substrate, so that the cells can receive nutrients by diffusion from the underlying layer, as they would in vivo.
1. Modelling epithelial tissues; 2. Identification and localization of cytokeratins; 3. Assessment of cell polarity; 4. Xenobiotic metabolism in epithelial cells; 5. Culture and characterization of human endothelial cells; 6. Studying transport processes in aborptive epithelia; 7. A model of glandular epithelium for studying secretion; 8. A model of the blood-testes barrier for studying testicular toxicity; 9. Reconstruction of human skin epidermis in vitro; Appendix 1. Addresses of suppliers; Appendix 2. An in vitro model of the blood-brain barrier for studying drug transport to the brain
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