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Describes the scientific principles which are used throughout the world to ensure rapid, healthy plantation growth. It is written for a world-wide audience, from forestry professionals and scientists through to small plantation growers, to describe how plantations may be grown responsibly and profitably.
1 Plantation Forests.- 2 Biology of Plantation Growth.- 3 Growth Rates and Wood Quality.- 4 Choosing the Species and Site.- 5 Establishment.- 6 Nutrient Management.-7 Stand Density and Initial Spacing.- 8 Thinning.- 9 Pruning.- 10 Pests.- 11 Diseases.- 12 Tree Breeding.- 13 Mixed-species Plantations.- 14 Conclusion.- References.
Customer Reviews
Professor Phil West has been a forest scientist for over 30 years. His research specialities concern the growth behaviour of forests. He is presently a forestry consultant and teaches both plantation forestry and forest measurement in the forestry school of Southern Cross University in northern New South Wales, Australia.
Out of Print
By: PW West
304 pages, Figs, tabs
Aus den Rezensionen: "Die Publikation gibt einen Auberblick uber die Plantagenwirtschaft weltweit ! Es handelt sich dabei um ein Handbuch fur die Bewirtschaftung von Baumplantagen, das wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zur Optimierung der Holzproduktion in Plantagen in einer fur Praktiker verstandlichen Form aufbereitet und erlautert. Dabei werden alle fur das Wachstum und die Stabilitat von Plantagen entscheidenden Faktoren behandelt ! Der Autor gibt waldbauliche Empfehlungen zur Optimierung der Flachenproduktion ab !" (Christine Knust, in: Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Forstwesen, 2008, Vol. 159, Issue 6, S. 169)