People are familiar with most of the natural resources of the neotropics – chocolate, rubber, etc – but surprisingly one of the most useful resources, animals, is usually overlooked. This important text moves this issue to the fore. Animals are central to the lives of the region's indigenous peoples, can be farmed or hunted commercially, and can attract tourists; this could easily generate the income necessary to preserve both the wildlife and their habitat. With contributions from both biological and social scientists, Neotropical Wildlife Use and Conservation shows how neotropical wildlife can have economic as well as aesthetic value. An invaluable text for development agencies, conservation organisations and governmental departments involved in the region.
Foreword by Alfred L. Gardner
Part 1 - Framing the Issues
1. The Use and Conservation of Wildlife
John G. Robinson and Kent H. Redford
2. Subsistence and Commercial Uses of Wildlife in Latin America
Kent H. Redford and John G. Robinson
3. The Outlook for Sustainable Harvests of Wildlife in Latin America
James H. Shaw
Part 2 - Subsistence Hunting
4. Human Impact on Populations of Chachalacas, Guans, and Curassows (Galliformes: Cracidae) in Venezuela
José L. Silva and Stuart D. Strahl
5. Hunting Yields and Game Composition over Ten Years in an Amazon Indian Territory
William T. Vickers
6. On the Track of the Road: Changes in Subsistence Hunting in a Brazilian Amazonian Village
J. Marcio Ayres, Deborah de Magalhães Lima, Eduardo de Souza Martins, and José Luis K. Barreiros
7. Hunting and Its Effect on Wild Primate Populations in Suriname
Russell A. Mittermeier
Part 3 - Hunting and Collecting
8. Management of Olive Ridley Sea Turtles (Lepidochelys olivacea) Nesting at Playas Nancite and Ostional, Costa Rica
Stephen E. Cornelius, Mario Alvarado Ulloa, Juan Carlos Castro, Mercedes Mata del Valle, and Douglas C. Robinson
9. Economic Analysis of Sea Turtle Eggs in a Coastal Community on the Pacific Coast of Honduras
Cynthia J. Lagueux
10. Effects of Hunting on the Reproduction of the Paraguayan Caiman (Caiman yacare) in the Pantanal of Mata Grosso, Brazil
Peter G. Cranshaw, Jr.
11. The Effect of Hunting on Tapirs in Belize
José Manuel V. Fragoso
12. Mammalian Densities at Protected versus Hunted Sites in Central Panama
William E. Glanz
13. Wild Mammal Skin Trade in Chiapas, Mexico
Marcelo Aranda
Part 4 - Wildlife Farming and Ranching
14. The Rational Use of Green Iguanas
Dagmar I. Werner
15. Steps toward Domesticating the Paca (Agouti = Cuniculus paca), and Prospects for the Future
Nicholas Smythe
16. An Analysis of the Spectacled Caiman (Caiman crocodilus) Harvest Program in Venezuela
John B. Thorbjarnarson
17. Human Exploitation of Capybara
Juhani Ojasti
Part 5 - Sport Hunting
18. The Eastern White-Winged Dove: Factors Influencing Use and Continuity of the Resource
Paul C. Purdy and Roy E. Tomlinson
19. Whistling-Ducks as a Manageable and Sustainable Resource in Venezuela: Balancing Economic Costs and Benefits
Francisco Dallmeier
20. White-Tailed Deer Management in Costa Rica
Christopher Vaughan and Miguel Rodriguez
Part 6 - Commercial Uses
21. Tupinambis Lizards in Argentina: Implementing Management of a Traditionally Exploited Resource
Lee A. Fitzgerald, José M. Chani, and Oscar E. Donadío
22. Sustained Harvesting of the Patagonia Guanaco: Is It Possible or Too Late?
William L. Franklin and Michael A. Fritz
23. Vicuña Use and the Bioeconomics of an Andean Peasant Community in Catamarca, Argentina
Jorge E. Rabinovich, Angel F. Capurro, and Leonor L. Pessina
24. Sustainable Use of Neotropical Parrots
Jorgen Bent Thomsen and Amie Brautigam
25. The Psittacine Trade in Mexico
Eduardo E. Iñigo-Elias and Mario A. Ramos
26. Tourism as a Sustained Use of Wildlife: A Case Study of Madre de Dios, Southeastern Peru
Martha J. Groom, Robert D. Podolsky, and Charles A. Munn
Part 7 - The Future
27. Sustainable Harvest of Neotropical Forest Animals
John G. Robinson and Kent H. Redford
28. Prospects for Wildlife Management in Latin America and the Caribbean
Curtis H. Freese and Carlos J. Saavedra