Signal transduction pathways are molecular circuits that define how cells communicate with each other and respond to their environment. This new textbook for the first time provides a comprehensive view of the subject by covering both the basic mechanisms involved and the roles of signal transduction in fundamental biological processes. It starts by describing the basic players – signals, receptors, second messengers, and effectors – before comprehensively mapping the various different signaling pathways that operate in cells. It then goes on to provide detailed descriptions of how signal transduction functions in essential processes such as cell growth and division, metabolism, sensory perception, immunity, and reproduction.
Edmond Fischer
1. Signals and Receptors
Carl Henrik-Heldin, Benson Lu, Ron Evans, and Silvio Gutkind
2. General Principles and Mechanisms of Protein Regulation in Signal Transduction
Michael J. Lee and Michael B. Yaffe
3. Second messengers
Alexandra Newton and Susan Taylor
4. Signaling Networks: Computational Capabilities and Decision-making
Evren U. Azeloglu and Ravi Iyengar
MAP Kinase Pathways
Deborah Morrison
PI3K-PKB/Akt Pathway Signaling
Brian A. Hemmings and David F. Restuccia
mTOR Signaling
Mathieu Laplante and David M. Sabatini
Calcium Signaling
Martin D. Bootman
The Cyclic AMP Pathway
Paolo Sassone-Corsi
The Wnt Signaling
Roel Nusse
Hedgehog Signaling
Philip W. Ingham
Notch Pathway
Raphael Kopan
Signaling by the TGF-? Superfamily
Jeffrey L. Wrana
JAK/STAT Pathway
Douglas Harrison
Toll-like Receptor Signaling
Kian-Huat Lim and Louis M. Staudt
Immunoreceptor Signaling
Lawrence E. Samelson
Signaling by Nuclear Receptors
Richard Sever and Christopher K. Glass
The Hippo Pathway
Kieran F. Harvey and Iswar K. Hariharan
5. Signaling to the G1 Cell Cycle
Robert J. Duronio and Yue Xiong
6. Signaling Pathways that Regulate Cell Division
Nicholas Rhind and Paul Russell
7. Cell Growth and Metabolism
Patrick S. Ward and Craig B. Thompson
8. Signal Transduction and the Regulation of Cell Migration
Peter Devreotes and Rick Horwitz
9. Signaling Pathways in Cell Polarity
Luke M. McCaffrey and Ian G. Macara
10. Signaling Mechanisms Controlling Cell Fate and Embryonic Patterning
Norbert Perrimon, Chrysoula Pitsouli, and Ben-Zion Shilo
11. Signaling by Sensory Receptors
David Julius and Jeremy Nathans
12. Synaptic Signaling in Learning and Memory
Mary B. Kennedy
13. Signaling in Muscle Contraction
Ivana Y. Kuo and Barbara E. Ehrlich
14. Organismal Carbohydrate and Lipid Homeostasis
D. Graham Hardie
15. Signaling in Innate Immunity and Inflammation
Kim Newton and Vishva Dixit
16. Signaling in Lymphocyte Activation
Doreen Cantrell
17. Vertebrate Reproduction
Sally Kornbluth and Rafael Fissore
18. Stress Responses
Gökhan Hotamisligil and Roger J. Davis
19. Death Signaling
Douglas R. Green and Fabien Llambi
20. Subversion of Cell Signaling by Pathogens
Kim Orth and Neal Alto
21. Signaling in Cancer
Richard Sever and Joan S. Brugge
22. Outlook
Jeremy Thorner, Lewis Cantley, Tony Hunter, and Richard Sever