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British Wildlife

8 issues per year 84 pages per issue Subscription only

British Wildlife is the leading natural history magazine in the UK, providing essential reading for both enthusiast and professional naturalists and wildlife conservationists. Published eight times a year, British Wildlife bridges the gap between popular writing and scientific literature through a combination of long-form articles, regular columns and reports, book reviews and letters.

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Conservation Land Management

4 issues per year 44 pages per issue Subscription only

Conservation Land Management (CLM) is a quarterly magazine that is widely regarded as essential reading for all who are involved in land management for nature conservation, across the British Isles. CLM includes long-form articles, events listings, publication reviews, new product information and updates, reports of conferences and letters.

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An Annotated Checklist
Peter R Flint(Author), Colin Richardson(Author)
This guide follows two previous editions written by Peter Flint and Peter Stewart in respectively 1983 and 1992 (which was volume 6 in the BOU Checklist series).There has been annual recording and publication of bird records on Cyprus for more than...
524 pages | 32 plates with 65 colour photos and 2 colour maps; 3 b/w illustrations, 13 tables | British Ornithologists' Club
Paperback 2024 9780952288695 #264739 £45.00 Std disc
Luc Hoogenstein(Author), Ger Meesters(Author)
The Handboek Vogels van Nederland covers approximately 300 bird species found in the Netherlands.Multiple photos are included for every species, with arrows indicating the most important traits. This handbook provides more detail on habitat,...
344 pages | colour photos | KNNV Uitgeverij
Hardback 2024 9789050119412 #263766 £29.99 Std disc
Sam Gobin(Author), Marc Dijksterhuis(Author), Begijn Le Bleu(Foreword By)
This field guide allows you to identify 120 species of migratory birds in flight. Photos and descriptions highlight identifying characteristics while the distribution maps showing breeding and wintering areas visualize the sometimes extremely long...
288 pages | 500+ colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | KNNV Uitgeverij
Hardback 2023 9789050119238 #263583 £28.99 Std disc
Nils van Duivendijk(Author), Marc Guyt(Photographer), AGAMI(Photographer), Diederik Kok(Foreword By)
There are plenty of bird identification guides for Europe, but the Handboek Europese Vogels is unique in its approach; it is a hybrid between a field guide and the extended identification literature. Having both the clear character of a field guide...
1048 pages | 5500 colour photos | KNNV Uitgeverij
Hardback 2022 9789050118521 #256024 £84.99 Std disc
Luc Hoogenstein(Author), Ger Meesters(Author), Jip Louwe Kooijmans(Author), Elwin van der Kolk(Illustrator)
Zakgids Vogels van Nederland en België is the ideal birding guide for walks and birding excursions, and will fit in every pocket. The 14th impression has been brought up-to-date with new species and illustrations and contains biotope plates by...
320 pages | colour illustrations | KNNV Uitgeverij
Paperback 2022 9789050118781 #258754 £15.99 Std disc
Marcel Boer(Author), Jos Zwarts(Illustrator)
Why is the long-tailed tit not direct family of the great tit? If you know the family of a bird, it is subsequently easier to name a species. Vogelfamilies van Nederland will teach the reader to look at birds in a different way. This bird book is a...
364 pages | 275 b/w illustrations | KNNV Uitgeverij
Paperback 2021 9789050118361 #259144 £24.99 Std disc
Harvey van Diek(Author), Elwin van der Kolk(Illustrator), Theo Verstrael(Foreword By)
A must for every birder. This field guide teaches you how to easily tell apart look-alike bird species commonly found in the Netherlands. Covering 200 species and hundreds of clear drawings by Elwin van der Kolk, this is a useful addition to existing...
192 pages | colour illustrations | KNNV Uitgeverij
Hardback 2021 9789050118217 #254338 £25.99 Std disc
Tomasz Cofta(Author), Michał Skakuj(Photographer), Ger Meesters(Translated by)
Opening up new frontiers in birdwatching, this is the first field guide for identifying European passerines in flight, featuring more than 830 stunning colour illustrations from acclaimed bird artist Tomasz Cofta, who creates remarkably lifelike...
496 pages | 2400 colour photos, 850 colour illustrations | KNNV Uitgeverij
Flexibound 2021 9789050118248 #253344 £34.99 Std disc
Robert Kwak(Author), Jip Louwe Kooijmans(Author)
The Netherlands traditionally has always a country rich in birds. From the North Sea to the hill country of Limburg, there is a large diversity of landscapes, each harbouring their own bird populations. The beautifully executed Nederlandse Vogels in...
680 pages | colour photos, colour illustrations, colour maps | KNNV Uitgeverij
Hardback 2021 9789050117999 #254340 £64.99 Std disc
Dick de Vos(Author), Sam Gobin(Author), Magnus Robb(Foreword By)
Part of KNNV's successful series of field guides, this volume is aimed at determining birds during their migration, focusing on their calls – which is rather different from recognising birds in a garden or forest. This field guide...
320 pages | colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | KNNV Uitgeverij
Hardback 2021 9789050118255 #253266 £29.99 Std disc
Marc Duquet(Author), Sébastien Reeber(Author)
This is the first guide specifically for field ornithologists devoted to moulting – the periodic renewal of feathers – and its usefulness to identify birds in nature.First, the book describes the different types of feathers, their...
192 pages | 260+ colour photos, 30 colour illustrations | KNNV Uitgeverij
Paperback 2020 9789050117678 #251200 £29.99 Std disc
An Accurate and Comprehensive Guide to the 340 Species of Birds, Covering 31 Sites Across the Island
Neville James Davies(Author), Michael Montier(Foreword By)
This site guide describes 31 sites on the Balearic island of Mallorca, covering 340 bird species. Part one covers the main sites and other sites worthy of a visit. These are all covered in full detail with information on exactly where to stop at...
120 pages | colour photos, colour maps | Neville Davies(privately published)
Paperback 2020 9781527248670 #250095 £12.99 Std disc
Aurélien Audevard(Author), Frédéric Jiguet(Author), Ger Meesters(Translated by)
This guide, packed with high quality photos, is an excellent addition both the amateur and expert birder's library. With a hands-on layout, this book is aimed at field identification. Per species, Alle Vogels van Europa shows numerous colour...
448 pages | 2200 colour photos, 475 colour distribution maps | KNNV Uitgeverij
Paperback 2017 9789050115940 #231436 £22.99 Std disc
Dick de Vos(Author), Ruud van Beusekom(Foreword By)
The Veldgids Vogelzang van Europa describes 200 different bird songs of species in- and outside of the Netherlands. The species have been selected on rarity and likelihood of encountering them. Simple keys make it easy to find the right species for...
288 pages | colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | KNNV Uitgeverij
Hardback 2017 9789050115728 #227714 £30.99 Std disc
Stella D Beavan(Editor), Mike Lock(Editor), HRH Prince Charles(Foreword By), Humphrey P Sitters(Preface By)
The Devon Bird Atlas 2007-2013 is based on more than one million bird sightings contributed by over 1,200 observers between 1 November 2007 and 31 July 2013. The resulting maps show the distribution and abundance of birds in Devon in both the...
508 pages | colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | Devon Birdwatching and Preservation Society
Hardback 2016 9780955602894 #226652 £39.99 Std disc
David K Ballance(Author), Rob Grimmond(Author), Stephen Moss(Introduction By), Julian Thomas(Author), Eve Tigwell(Author), Simon King(Foreword By)
This is the first published Atlas of breeding and wintering birds in Somerset and will be a valuable resource for anyone interested in the county's birds. It covers five years of fieldwork from winter 2007 to summer 2012 and contains maps for...
336 pages | 14 colour photos, 108 b/w illustrations, 293 colour distribution maps | Somerset Ornithological Society
Hardback 2014 9780993120503 #223729 £18.99 Std disc
Francisco Pérez Padrón(Author)
Popular field guide now in its fifth edition, covers 370 species.Summary in Spanish:Las Aves de Canarias, de Francisco Pérez Padrón, se mantiene como un clásico de la literatura ornitológica canaria, incorporando buena...
319 pages | 238+ colour photos, 1 b/w illustration, tables | Turquesa Publicaciones
Paperback 2012 9788415326977 #207365 £37.99 Short disc
Erik van Ommen and Wilma Brinkhof
Richly illustated book on the avocet, a migratory wader. The largest population can be found in the Breebaert area, the Netherlands. Includes a DVD with video recordings.
112 pages | colour illustrations, includes DVD (Region 2) | KNNV Uitgeverij
Hardback 2008 9789050112697 #173097 £29.99 Std disc
Lexo Gavashelishvili(Author)
Describes 4 species of vultures - Egyptian Vulture, Griffin Vulture, Cinereous Vulture and Lammergeier - providing comprehensive information on their biology, ecology, distribution, habitats and conservation management in Georgia and Caucasus. The...
96 pages | colour photos, colour illustrations, colour distribution maps | Georgian Centre for the Conservation of Wildlife
Paperback 2005 9789994077199 #153086 £11.99 Std disc
With Information on Other Wildlife
L Gavashelishvili, R Gokhelashvili, Z Javakhishvili and D Tarkhnishvili
Describes the 28 most attractive sites for birdwatching in Georgia. It provides detailed information for each site on climate, ecosystems and habitats, species (not just the avifauna but other wildlife as well), and also information on planning your...
131 pages | Col photos and maps | Georgian Centre for the Conservation of Wildlife
Paperback 2005 9789994077137 #151792 £14.99 Std disc