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Provides an introduction to local economic planning, a survey of competing approaches to urban problems, an analysis of the successes and failures of projects in many parts of the world and an application of the new approach to urban regeneration in South Africa.
Economic decline and urban poverty: demographic and economic trends; poverty and urban labour markets; conclusion. the origins of development planning: from regional planning to development planning; structural transformation; conclusion. Development planning and the formation of urban coalitions: public sector approaches to local development planning; community approaches to local development planning; private sector approaches to local development planning; from public-private partnerships to urban coalitions; application in South Africa. The role of local government in development planning: variability in the development role of local authorities; development planning. Community economic development: introduction; empowering community organizations; intermediary organizations; co-operatives; small enterprise; conclusion. The private sector contribution to local economic development: what do we want from the private sector?; the form and function of private participation; South African survey; a strategic planning exercise. Operation jumpstart - an urban growth initiative in the Durban functional region - Jennifer Robinson and Carlos Boldogh for the Built Environment Support Group. Local economics strategies on the Witwatersrand - issues and prospects - Roland hunter for Planact. Urban planning, shelter strategies and economic development - David Dewar. Conclusion: likely participants; probable actions; possible institutional arrangements.
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