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Providing useful insights on the use of Multi-criteria Decision Analysis (MCDA) in natural resource management, this book examines a number of empirical applications for several countries and a variety of natural resources.
It is shown that using MCDA in the management of water, forestry, wetland and other natural resources can substantially improve the design and implementation of natural resource and environmental policies. Stakeholder involvement is also an important determinant of successful resource management and MCDA provides a useful and effective framework for getting stakeholders involved in resource management decisions.
Using Multi-Criteria Decision Analysis in Natural Resource Management gives in-depth analysis of the potential problems in applying these techniques, including difficulties eliciting required information, lack of suitable measures for environmental variables and the need to develop innovative methods to simplify the use of MCDA.
Role of multi-criteria decision making in natural resource management, Gamini Herath and Tony Prato; Analysis of forest policy using multi-attribute value theory, Jayanath Ananda and Gamini Herath; Comparing Riparian revegetation policy options using the analytic hierarchy process, M. Ejaz Qureshi and Steven Harrison; Managing Environmental and health risks from a lead and zinc smelter: an application of deliberative multi-criteria evaluation, Wendy Proctor, Chris McQuade and Anne Dekker; Multiple attribute evaluation of management alternatives for the Missouri River System, Tony Prato; Multi-criteria decision analysis for integrated watershed management, Zeyuan Qiu; Fuzzy multiple attribute evaluation of agricultural systems, Leonie A. Marks and Elizabeth G. Dunn; Multi-criteria decision support for energy supply assessment, Bram Noble; Seaport development in Vietnam - evaluation using the analytic hierarch process, Tran Phuong Dong and David M. Chapman; Valuing wetland aquatic resources using the analytic hierarchy process, Premachandra Wattage and Simon Mardle; Multiple Attribute evaluation for national park management, Tony Prato; The future of MCDA in natural resource management: some Generalizations, Gamini Herath and Tony Prato; Bibliography; Index.
Customer Reviews
Gamini Herath is Associate Professor of Economics at Deakin University, Australia. Tony Prato is Professor of Ecological Economics at the University of Missouri-Columbia, USA.