Language: English
The World Atlas of Jellyfish presents in a lavishly illustrated multi-author compendium the more than 260 species of medusae (Scyphomedusae and Cubomedusae) described so far. The general, first part deals with their structure, complex life cycles and rare fossil records. But it also details on collection, cultivation and fishery methods, even gives hints for photography. Additionally, it covers the nature of medusae venoms, the effects and treatment of their stings. The second part gives concise systematic descriptions of all jellyfish species and their developmental stages known so far. Numerous illustrations, distribution maps, taxonomic keys and literature lists allow for detailed identification and information. Outstanding among the wealth of wonderful illustrations are hitherto unpublished artistic colour paintings by Ernst Haeckel. The beauty of the animals is underlined by the demanding typesetting of the book. This Atlas is a unique overview summarizing our knowledge on the world’s jellyfish in all their facets. It is of importance not only for scientists worldwide, but also a source of fascination for divers and lovers of marine life. Corresponding to its far-reaching relevance and to the internationality of contributing authors, the volume is written in English.