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Akademische und professionelle Bücher  Natural History  Art


Art / Photobook
By: Christopher Marley(Author)
288 pages, 212 colour photos
Publisher: Abrams
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  • Biophilia ISBN: 9781419715617 Hardback Apr 2015 Availability uncertain: order now to get this when available
Price: £39.99
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About this book

Biophilia means "love of nature." The word was invented by evolutionary biologist E. O. Wilson, who believes that biophilia is a deep human instinct. Artist Christopher Marley is a biophiliac, and his art expresses his passionate engagement with the beautiful forms of nature. Beginning with insects, and moving on to aquatic life, reptiles, birds, plants, and minerals, Marley has used his skills as a designer, conservator, taxidermist, and environmentally responsible collector to make images that produce strong, positive emotional responses in viewers. Marley has a brilliant eye for colour and pattern in animals, plants, and minerals, and he captures deep relationships between different natural objects. Marley's book will have strong appeal not only to nature lovers, but to designers, artists, craftspeople, and anyone looking for visual inspiration in the arts.

Customer Reviews


Christopher Marley is an artist and designer who uses natural artifacts as his medium of expression. To create this work, he collects specimens in an environmentally responsible manner from a worldwide network of people who share his passion for nature. His popular first book, Pheromone (2008), focused on his artwork with insects.

Art / Photobook
By: Christopher Marley(Author)
288 pages, 212 colour photos
Publisher: Abrams
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