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A Clone of Your Own? The Science and Ethics of Cloning

Out of Print
By: Arlene Judith Klotzko
186 pages, Illus
A Clone of Your Own?
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  • A Clone of Your Own? ISBN: 9780192802842 Paperback May 2005 Out of Print #154247
  • A Clone of Your Own? ISBN: 9780192803092 Hardback Jan 2004 Out of Print #154248
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About this book

Someday soon, if it hasn't happened in secret already, the first cloned human will be born and mankind will embark on a scientific and moral journey whose destination cannot be foretold.

In A Clone of Your Own, Arlene Judith Klotzko describes the new world of possibilities that can be glimpsed over the horizon. In a lucid and engaging narrative, she explains that the technology to create clones of living beings already exists, inaugurated in 1996 by Dolly the sheep, the first mammal cloned from a single adult cell. Dolly was the culmination of a long scientific quest to understand the puzzle of our development from one cell into a complex organism -- the outcome of a ' fantastic experiment' envisioned six decades before her birth.

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Out of Print
By: Arlene Judith Klotzko
186 pages, Illus
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