Language: Spanish
The Action Plan is intended to be a broad instrument for the discussion of matters related to botanic gardens in a country of continental dimensions with significant social and economic differences. It intends to be a guide for the Brazilian Botanic Gardens Network to educate them in up to date laws and also, to answer the International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation and the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation. A long range action plan has been developed with targets to be reached in the short, medium and long run, on the following five basic themes: Documenting Plant Diversity; Conserving Plant Diversity; Using Plant Diversity Sustainability; Promoting Education for Plant Diversity Conservation; and Institutional Strengthening. This action plan is an activity of the project, 'Brazil Investing in Nature', whose aim is to strengthen the role of Brazilian Botanic Gardens. Its partners are the Rio de Janeiro Botanic Garden Research Institute, the Brazilian Botanic Gardens Network and Botanic Gardens Conservation International.