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Covers the latest and most significant advances in woody plant stress research. Provides innovative research on:
the freezing process - ice nucleation, propagation, and deep supercooling in woody plants
the biology of dormancy induction and release in woody plants - physiologic, molecular, and cellular mechanisms
the physiology and regulation of seasonal nitrogen cycling in woody plants
the importance of dehydrins - a unique class of stress proteins-in cold hardening of certain woody plants
nitrogen-fixation as a stress-avoidance strategy in certain woody plants
Introduction (Rajeev Arora) Ice Nucleation, Propagation, and Deep Supercoiling in Woody Plants (M. Wisniewski, M. Fuller, J. Palta, J. Carter, and R. Arora) Characterization of a Novel YnSKn Class of Dehydrin-Like cDNAs from Cold Acclimated Red-Osier Dogwood (Cornus sericea L.) Xylem (E. Sarnighausen, D. T. Karlson, Y. Zeng, P. B. Goldsbrough, K. G. Raghothama, and E. N. Ashworth) Inheritance of Cold Hardiness and Dehydrin Genes in Diploid Mapping Populations of Blueberry (Ganesh R. Panta, Lisa J. Rowland, Rajeev Arora, Elizabeth L. Ogden, and Chon-Chong Lim) Molecular Genetic and Physiological Analysis of the Cold-Responsive Dehydrins of Blueberry (L. J. Rowland, G. R. Panta, S. Mehra, and C. Parmentier-Line) Photoperiodic Regulation of Apical Growth Cessation in Northern Tree Species: The Role of Phytochrome and Gibberellin (Jorunn E. Olsen, John B. Jensen, J rgen A. M lmann, Arild Ernstsen, and Olavi Junttila) Cell-Cell Communication as a Key Factor in Dormancy Cycling (P ivi L. H. Rinne and Christiaan van der Schoot) Hormones and Endodormancy Induction in Woody Plants (Karen K. Tanino) Freezing Tolerance and Injury in Grapevines (Anne Fennell) Physiology and Regulation of Seasonal Nitrogen Cycling in Woody Plants (Gary D. Coleman) Physiology and Molecular Biology of a Family of Pathogenesis-Related PR-10 Proteins in Conifers (Abul K. M. Ekramoddoullah) Nitrogen Fixations as a Stress-Avoidance Strategy Among Actinorhizal (Non-Legume) Trees and Shrubs (Heidi A. Kratsch and William R. Graves) Index Reference Notes Included
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