About this book
The first edition of James Putney's Calcium Signaling offered readers a comprehensive view of the fascinating diversity of technologies that the new field of calcium signaling employed. And while that work is still regarded as a premier text on the basics of calcium signaling, progress has been so dramatic that an update is now required.
In Calcium Signaling, Second Edition, Putney focuses on those processes that generate calcium signals to compile the first comprehensive exploration of calcium signaling research from a methodological standpoint.
This new edition deals with methods for studying calcium from a variety of perspectives. Several chapters discuss calcium indicators and other tools, and look at microscopic and electrophysiological techniques, as well as other special methodological aspects of calcium signaling research. Other chapters examine the study of different systems, ranging from those found in yeast to those found in mammals, and several more are devoted to the cellular and molecular basis for calcium signaling, including explorations of receptors, calcium pumps, apoptosis, and drug delivery.
Once again, Putney has called upon top researchers from across the globe to contribute their expertise. Several new chapters have been added and in many cases, where chapters from the first edition were retained, new researchers were recruited to offer a fresh perspective.
As calcium signaling involves such a breadth of technical approaches and a wide range of applications, this work contains invaluable information for established researchers, as well as those graduate students and scientists just beginning to find a direction in cellular calcium signaling.
Fluorescent Calcium Indicators Based on BAPTA; Martin PoenieFluorescent Indicators-Facts and Artifacts; Gary St. J. Bird and James W. Putney Jr.Fluorescence Microplate-Based Techniques for the High-Throughput Assessment of Calcium Signaling: The Highs and Lows for Calcium Researchers; Gregory R. Monteith and Gary St. J. BirdGenetically Encoded Fluorescent Calcium Indicator Proteins; Atsushi Miyawaki, Takeharu Nagai, and Hideaki MizunoTargeted Aequorins; Andrea Prandini and Rosario RizuttoElectrophysiological Recordings of Ca2o Currents; Anant B. ParekhMolecular Biology of Ca2o Channels: Lessons from the TRP Superfamily; Veit Flockerzi, Thomas Aberle, Marcel Meissner, Christine Jung, Stephan Philipp, and Ulrich WissenbachGenetic and Molecular Characterization of Ca2o and IP3 Signaling in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans; Ana Y. Estevez and Kevin StrangeCalcium Signaling Networks in Yeast; Kyle W. CunninghamNuclear Patch Clamp Electrophysiology of Inositol Trisphosphate Receptor Ca2o Release Channels; Don-On Daniel Mak, Carl White, Lucian Ionescu, and J. Kevin FoskettRyanodine Receptors; Xander H.T. Wehrens, Stephan E. Lehnart, and Andrew R. MarksMethods in Cyclic ADP-Ribose and NAADP Research; Anthony J. Morgan, Grant C. Churchill, Roser Masgrau, Margarida Ruas, Lianne C. Davis, Richard A. Billington, Sandip Patel, Michiko Yamasaki, Justyn M. Thomas, Armando A. Genazzani, and Antony GalioneMethods for Studying Calcium Pumps; Leonard Dode, Luc Raeymaekers, Ludwig Missiaen, Bente Vilsen, Jens P. Andersen, and Frank WuytackMeasuring Single Cell and Subcellular Ca2o Signals; Sandip Patel, Lawrence D. Gaspers, Nicola Pierobon, Walson Metzger, and Andrew P. ThomasSubcellular Compartmentalization of Calcium Signaling; Nicholas J. Dolman, Michael C. Ashby, Myoung K. Park, Ole H. Petersen, Alexei V. TepikinApoptosis; Clark W. DistelhorstCalcium Entry Channels and Drug Discovery; Su Li, Anne Dodge, Chris T. Poll, and Martin GoslingIndex
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