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Akademische und professionelle Bücher  Marine & Freshwater Biology  Fishes  Fishes: General

Centrarchid Fishes Diversity, Biology and Conservation

Edited By: Steven J Cooke and David P Philipp
539 pages, Figs, tabs
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
Centrarchid Fishes
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  • Centrarchid Fishes ISBN: 9781405133425 Hardback May 2009 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 6 days
Price: £219.95
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Centrarchid Fishes

About this book

Centrarchid fishes, also known as freshwater sunfishes, include such prominent species as the Largemouth Bass, Smallmouth Bass and Bluegill. They are endemic to Eastern North America where they form part of a multi-million dollar sports fishing industry, but they have also been widely introduced around the globe by recreational anglers, in aquaculture programs and by government fisheries agencies.

Centrarchid Fishes provides comprehensive coverage of all major aspects of this ecologically and commercially important group of fishes. Coverage includes diversity, ecomorphology, phylogeny and genetics, hybridization, reproduction, early life history and recruitment, feeding and growth, ecology, migrations, bioenergetics, physiology, diseases, aquaculture, fisheries management and conservation. Chapters have been written by well-known and respected scientists and the whole has been drawn together by Professors Cooke and Philipp, themselves extremely well respected in the area of fisheries management and conservation. "Centrarchid Fishes" is an essential purchase for all fish biologists, ecologists, fisheries managers and fish farm personnel who work with centrarchid species across the globe.


Introduction - Diversity of centrarchid fishes Ecomorphology Phylogenetic relationships and genetics Hybridization Reproduction and parental care Alternative reproductive tactics and sociobiology Early life history and recruitment Feeding, nutrition, and growth Population and community ecology Movement and migrations Bioenergetics Organismal performance, tolerances, and physiological constraints Winter ecology of centrarchid fish Immunocompetancy and disease Issues in centrarchid aquaculture Issues in centrarchid management and conservation Patterns in centrarchid ecological diversity - conclusions and a research agenda

Customer Reviews


Steven J Cooke is Assistant Professor in Environmental Science and Biology and Director of the Fish Ecology and Conservation Physiology Laboratory, Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada David P Philipp is Principal Scientist at the Illinois Natural History Survey and is a Professor in three departments at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Edited By: Steven J Cooke and David P Philipp
539 pages, Figs, tabs
Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell
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