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Akademische und professionelle Bücher  Environmental & Social Studies  Climate Change

Climate Adaptation Accounts of Resilience, Self-Sufficiency and Systems Change

By: Arkbound Foundation(Editor), Morgan Phillips(Author), Ashish Kothari(Author), Justin Stevens(Author), Ester Barinaga(Author), Fazeela Mubarak(Author), Janis Steele(Author), Rodrigo Morei(Author), Karen Scott(Author), Irene Sotiropoulou(Author)
311 pages, 32 colour photos and colour illustrations, tables
Publisher: Arkbound
Climate Adaptation
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  • Climate Adaptation ISBN: 9781912092123 Paperback Oct 2021 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 5 days
Price: £9.99
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About this book

Where is the world really heading, and what can we do about it? Climate Adaptation takes an unflinching look at climate change, drawing upon the latest data to analyse what the next decades hold in store. With atmospheric CO2 at unprecedented levels and insufficient action being taken to prevent a rise in temperatures above 2 degrees centigrade, we are not just looking at significant disruption but the possibility of societal collapse. For the first time ever, the magnitude of this challenge is faced head-on, with avenues to truly address it presented. Case studies and models from 16 authors around the world show ways that we can build adaptation and resilience, as well as what 'zero emissions' really mean. The book also provides a platform for those from a range of diverse backgrounds, whose unique experience and knowledge brings vital new perspectives. From those already feeling the impacts of climate change in the Global South to community leaders fighting to create real alternatives, we get a chance to understand the nuances and possibilities of the task ahead.

Customer Reviews (1)

  • Climate Adaption Provides Hope For A Better Future
    By Chloe 1 Dec 2021 Written for Paperback
    With the expertise of sixteen authors worldwide, Climate Adaption presents something of a rarity: a way to move forward. While certainly not shying away from the serious nature of what awaits us, this book presents the strengths of developing our society in a resilient and diverse way.

    As a twenty-year-old, climate fatigue is something I’m no stranger to. The efforts of global leaders, movements such as COP26, and politicians have failed us. Global temperatures continue to rise, humanity and species continue to suffer, and habitats that were once a haven are becoming toxic, bleached, and barren. This book provides hope for the many like me who feel helpless and unaccounted for in places of power.

    Personal accounts, alongside the latest available data and studies, provide an enriching reading experience that equips the reader with a full understanding of the disastrous events we can expect.

    Climate Adaption is an important read, one that I’d recommend to anybody. We are all part of this world, and we must all want to learn how to protect it. This book additionally provides a platform for those from diverse backgrounds to have their voice heard, and what they have to say provides essential tools for building a better future for all.

    This book tells us that we must redefine our relationship with the world, and – importantly – we must work together in our efforts. Humanity’s assumption that the world is our oyster can hold no longer once the ocean’s life is drained. Our place is part of the world rather than above it. This knowledge is powerful. It can lead to a global effort that will protect what is left.
    Was this helpful to you? Yes No
By: Arkbound Foundation(Editor), Morgan Phillips(Author), Ashish Kothari(Author), Justin Stevens(Author), Ester Barinaga(Author), Fazeela Mubarak(Author), Janis Steele(Author), Rodrigo Morei(Author), Karen Scott(Author), Irene Sotiropoulou(Author)
311 pages, 32 colour photos and colour illustrations, tables
Publisher: Arkbound
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