The 6th edition of a well-known and much used standard text in the field. Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals covers all aspects of the biochemical abnormalities caused by various diseases and how they relate to the biochemical changes in the blood, urine, cerebrospinal fluid, joint fluids, other body fluids and in cells. The purpose is to provide the fundamental bases for understanding the biochemical changes that occur in disease processes and in turn to provide the rationale for applying this understanding to the diagnosis of the disease process. A substantial appendix is provided so that the user can quickly identify Clinical Biochemistry of Domestic Animals ranges for a large number of animal species.
- Concepts of Normality in Clinical Biochemistry
- DNA Technology
- Carbohydrate Metabolism and Diabetes
- Lipids and Ketones
- Proteomics
- Clinical Immunology
- The Erythrocyte
- The Porhyrins
- Iron Metabolism
- Hemostasis
- The Leukocytes
- Clinical Enzymology
- Liver function
- Pancreatic function
- Gastrointestinal function
- Skeletal Muscle Function
- Kidney function
- Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid-Base Balance
- Pituitary Function
- Adrenocortical function
- Thyroid function
- Reproductive Hormones
- Clinical Nutrition
- Calcium, Phosphorus and Magnesium Metabolism
- Trace minerals
- Vitamins
- Tumor Markers
- Lysosomal Storage Diseases
- Cerebrospinal Fluid
- Clinical toxicology
- Clinical biochemistry of Laboratory Rodents and Rabbits
- Clinical biochemistry of Avians
- Appendixes: Clinical laboratory reference values in a number of animal species and some useful laboratory information
"Overall this is an impressive book offering both basic and applied information to any inquiring student or veterinarian who wishes to improve or refresh their knowledge in the area of biochemistry and its application to the diagnosis and understanding of disease in animals."
– Veterinary Research Communications
"This book is invaluable to the veterinarian at all levels including students, residents, and practitioners? Illustrations are pertinent and of appropriate quantity? The addition of chapters addressing lysosomal storage diseases, toxicologic and avian biochemistry, and tumor cell makers is timely and valuable information."
– Doody's Publishing Reviews
"The content of the book is based on the solid foundations established in previous editions. Specialist topics have been added, with chapters on tumour markers and lysosomal storage disease. This edition deserves to replace its illustrious predecessors on the bookshelves of animal clinic biochemists and clinical pathologists."
– The Veterinary Record
Praise for the Fourth Edition
"As good as [the Third Edition] is, it can always be improved – and Dr. Kaneko has done so [...] The comparative information provided on major animal species' biochemical data is practical and essential for not only clinical pathologists and biochemists, but also for working clinicians that utilize clinical chemistries for diagnosis and management evaluation of food animals, companion animals, and laboratory/exotic animals. This updated edition provides the clinician and researcher with relevant information for daily use. This text will continue its role as a major information resource for clinical biochemical veterinary medicine."
– Veterinary Human Toxicology