| | | Author interview with Ed Drewitt: Bird Pellets |
| This invaluable ecological resource is the first comprehensive guide to pellets, showcasing those produced by a wide range of different species, from hawks to various garden birds. Author Ed Drewitt offers a methodical introduction to pellets, outlining what they are, how they’re formed, dissection methods, analysis and common findings, before providing a closer look at those produced by each species. There is also advice on how to identify the remains of small mammals, which can be an important tool for discovering what a bird feeds on and understanding dietary change over time. |
Ed Drewitt is a professional naturalist, wildlife detective and BBC broadcaster who specialises in the study of birds and marine mammals. He studied zoology at the University of Bristol, before working at Bristol’s Museums, Galleries and Archives for numerous years. He is now a freelance consultant who runs bird identification courses, provides wildlife commentaries on nature excursions, writes for wildlife magazines and is involved in bird ringing studies. Ed is also the lead researcher in a study focusing on the diet of urban-dwelling Peregrines in the UK and author of Urban Peregrines. |
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We recently chatted with Ed about how he first became interested in bird pellets, what pellet fossil records can tell us, the most unusual thing he's discovered in a pellet and more. |
| | | Wilder Sensing: an interview with Geoff Carss |
|  | | Wilder Sensing, is bringing innovative techniques to conservation, using sound for biodiversity monitoring and recording and were extensively featured on Springwatch last week (click here to view the clip from the show). |
| We are pleased to be supporting a unique series of Wilder sensing webinars starting with ‘How Can We Use Sound to Measure Biodiversity?’ This informative webinar will feature presentations from Wilder Sensing and the Somerset Wildlife Trust, followed by a panel discussion with technology company Digital Ecology. The session will discuss how we can monitor nature with bioacoustics, and how we can use this technology to understand changes in biodiversity. This free of charge webinar is taking place at 10.30am on the 9th of July – click here for more information and to register. |
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We recently had the opportunity to chat with Geoff Carss, CEO of Wilder Sensing, on the organisation, its role in conservation and the future of technology in the field. |
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Browse our new and forthcoming books, featuring the recently published ID Handbook of European Birds (2-Volume Set) and the forthcoming Stoats, Weasels, Martens & Polecats. Plus, explore our essential seasonal equipment, which in this month includes bug hunting kits, insect hotels, moth traps and more. |
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| A Complete Guide to Native Orchids of Australia This book, brought to you by Australian orchid expert David L. Jones, is the new and much improved edition of the best and most authoritative guide to this subject on the market. This updated version covers an additional 100 species, some of which have never been described before, as well as a comprehensive introduction, clear use of references, distribution maps, threats and conservation efforts.
| | Primate Socioecology Primate Socioecology uncovers the mystery of why some primates live alone while others live in pairs or groups, discusses why thermal constraints can explain the dichotomy between small nocturnal primates and large diurnal primates, reveals the role of sensory differences between different primates and more. This rounded, in-depth introduction to primate socioecology is a must-read for all those seeking a detailed examination of this subject. |
30 Days Wild: NHBS update |
|  | Throughout June, The Wildlife Trusts run #30DaysWild - the UK's biggest nature challenge that encourages everyone to embrace the great outdoors and do one wild thing a day for 30 days. This could be anything from creating a bug hotel to going on a walk, eating outside or watching the wildlife in your garden.
2024 marks the 10th year in a row of #30DaysWild, and the NHBS team have been enjoying making the most of the great outdoors this month. Find out about our #30DaysWild journey so far in our blog on the Conservation Hub. |
| | | | A number of our team here at NHBS are looking forward to attending the #RestoreNatureNow march in London this Saturday (22nd June), where thousands of people and organisations are standing hand in hand to demand politicians #RestoreNatureNow.
This peaceful, family-friendly demonstration is likely to be the largest gathering of people for nature and climate that the UK has ever seen, and is being supported by many well-known groups such as the RSPB, Wildlife Trusts and Extinction Rebellion. |
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