| | | Winners of the James Cropper Wainwright Prize 2024 |
| Writing on Conservation Winner |
| | Blue Machine Helen Czerski |
| Physicist Helen Czerski takes a deep dive into the darkest depths of the ocean, and examines the messengers, passengers and voyagers that live in it, travel over it, and depend on it. Drawing on many years of experience at the forefront of marine science, she captures the magnitude of the world’s oceans and the extent to which we are at the mercy of this great, powerful engine. |
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| Delve into this captivating tale recounting author Michael Malay’s journey as an Indonesian Australian making a home for himself in England. Interweaving natural history, nature writing and memoir, Late Light reveals the often unseen parallels between humans and our animal counterparts, while also uncovering the economic, political and cultural events that have shaped the British landscape. |
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| | | Operational efficiencies, supply chain improvements and their commitment to the accessibility and affordability of bio-acoustic tools has led to Wildlife Acoustics announcing a substantial price reduction for their Song Meter Micro 2.
This is exciting news, as with climate change accelerating, biodiversity declining and machine learning advancing, now more than ever, biologists need access to acoustic recorders they can deploy at scale. |
| We are passing on the price reduction immediately with our existing stock reduced from £245 to just £155.99! |
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| Brown Seaweeds (Phaeophyceae) of Britain and Ireland |
| The first complete, up-to-date illustrated guide that details nearly 200 species of brown algae that can be found across Britain and Ireland. It provides a comprehensive account of the geographical and seasonal distribution of each species, detailing their morphology, anatomy, reproduction, life histories and more, in addition to in-depth account of many lesser-known species. |
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| Beetles of Britain and Ireland, Volume 2 |
| Marking the final volume in Andrew G. Duff’s collection, this book covers the large family of Staphylinidae and provides keys to 1,148 species in 19 subfamilies and 254 genera. Including 60 colour plates and 360 photographs of selected species, Volume 2 also features an extended preface, information on finding rove beetles, collecting equipment, identification tips, morphology and more. |
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|  | Explore a selection of new and forthcoming books from the NHBS bookstore, including The Starling, the recently published Hoverflies of Britain and Ireland and more. |
|  | The third edition of this beautifully illustrated photographic guide features numerous additional species, up-to-date distribution maps and many more improvements |
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|  | Explore this highly anticipated title presenting all species, forms and varieties of 16 genera of boletes, including Baotangia, Boletus and Exsudoporus |
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|  | Featuring a stunning array of illustrations, The Starling reveals the secret life of this captivating species and is a fantastic guide to the most magnificent murmuration’s in the UK |
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| |  | | | Global Birdfair 2024 - A thank you from the organisers |
| Global Birdfair are delighted to announce that they are donating an incredible US$125,000.00 towards the development of the Galala Bird Observatory with their BirdLife Intentional Partner Nature Conservation Egypt. With hundreds of thousands of migratory species passing across this region on their annual journeys between Africa to Europe, monitoring this spectacle is critical for the long-term survival of these key species. |
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| The organisers of Global Birdfair, Tim Appleton and Penny Robinson, would like to thank all those who attended this year’s event and helped raise an incredible sum. |
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The Big Butterfly Count: NHBS Staff Results 2024 |
|  | This year's Big Butterfly Count has come to an end, and Butterfly Conservation would like to thank everyone who took the time to get involved, go outside and count butterflies and day-flying moths. They received over 130,000 counts from across the UK, however, this year’s results have revealed that 81% of species are showing a significant decline in population numbers, with 600,000 fewer butterflies recorded than last year.
The NHBS team participated in the Big Butterfly Count this year, and we are excited to share our results on the Conservation Hub. |
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