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Naturschutz  Bird Boxes  Open-Fronted Bird Boxes

Vivara Pro Barcelona WoodStone Open Nest Box

Manufacturer: Vivara Pro
  • Durable and predator proof nest box
  • Made with 100% FSC certified wood
  • 10 year guarantee
Vivara Pro Barcelona WoodStone Open Nest Box
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  • Vivara Pro Barcelona WoodStone Open Nest Box Brown In stock
  • Vivara Pro Barcelona WoodStone Open Nest Box Green In stock
  • Vivara Pro Barcelona WoodStone Open Nest Box Grey In stock
Selected product: £21.66
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Vivara Pro Barcelona WoodStone Open Nest Box

About this product

These attractive nestboxes are manufactured from WoodStone which is a mix of concrete and FSC certified wood fibres. Unlike a traditional wooden nest box, these boxes will not rot away or deteriorate. This robust material safeguards against attacks from predators such as woodpeckers, cats and squirrels, whilst also providing a well insulated interior with a more consistent internal temperature than an ordinary wooden box. This is especially important during the breeding season and ensures that young birds have a greater chance of survival. Nesting sites have become rare for cavity nesting birds due to changes in woodland management practices, so you can provide much-needed space for rearing chicks and birds that are roosting overwinter with these durable, long-lasting nest boxes.

These open nest boxes are suitable for wrens, robins, spotted flycatchers, pied and grey wagtails, song thrushes and blackbirds. 

The best height for your nest box is between 1.5m and 3m high, and open nest boxes should be sited in undergrowth such as ivy to provide cover for the nest. These nest boxes have a removable front panel for easy cleaning.

For more information, take a look at our blog The NHBS Guide: Where to hang and how to maintain your nest box


  • Dimensions: 24cm x 19cm x 17.5cm (H x W x L)
  • Entrance hole: Open
  • Material: WoodStone

Customer Reviews

Manufacturer: Vivara Pro
  • Durable and predator proof nest box
  • Made with 100% FSC certified wood
  • 10 year guarantee
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