Language: German
Amongst plant lovers Franconian Switzerland (despite what the name suggests, actually an upland in Upper Franconia, Bavaria, Germany) is known as a stronghold of orchids. Die Orchideen der Fränkischen Schweiz presents all 39 current species and sub-species, plus two extinct ones, in words and pictures. This book aims to make the reader familiar with these orchids, a plant family whose continued existence is being threatened due to sharp population declines. Above all, it should give an overview of their current distribution, the dangers they face and the efforts that are underway to protect them.
Summary in German:
Unter Pflanzenkennern gilt die Fränkische Schweiz als „Orchideenhochburg“. Alle 39 aktuellen Arten und Unterarten sowie zwei verschollene Arten werden in Wort und Bild vorgestellt. Dieses Buch möchte den Leser mit den heimischen Orchideen vertraut machen, einer stark rückläufigen, in ihrem Bestand bedrohten Pflanzenfamilie. Vor allem soll es einen Überblick über die gegenwärtige Verbreitung, die Gefährdung und die Bemühungen zum Schutz der Orchideenarten der Fränkischen Schweiz vermitteln.
Adolf Riechelmann is a secondary school teacher who lives in the francophone part of Switzerland. He has been studying Switzerland's domestic orchids for almost 40 years, and has published more than 70 papers on orchids, including non-Swiss ones, and has described 11 new species. Since 2000 he has been Chairman of the Working Group of Domestic Orchids (Arbeitskreises Heimischer Orchideen) in northern Bavaria.