Language: Chinese with scientific nomenclature
Elatostema (Urticaceae) in China deals with morphological features, distribution, economic application, and systematic accounts of the Chinese members of Elatostema, a genus of flowering plants containing approximately 350 known species in the nettle family Urticaceae. A total of 280 species are recorded. Among them, 274 species are illustrated with 161 figures.
Summary in Chinese:
《中国楼梯草属植物(精)》在目录、各级分类群的文献引证、形态描述、中名索引等方面均依照《中国植物志》的规格。在植物种名以及属下分组、分系检索表和各系分种检索表等方面则均依照我第三次修订中的格式。至于检索表中的拉丁学名、拉丁学名索引中的拉丁学名则依照Flora of China中的有关格式,不写出作者名。