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The first book on rapid viral evolution and emerging viruses. Examines the tracking of viral epidemics, detecting new epidemics and also the identification of the underlying causes of most episodes of viral emergence and epidemics.
J. Lederberg: Viruses and humankind: Intracellular symbiosis and evolutionary competition; S.S. Morse: What do we know about the origins of emerging viruses?; Section I: VIRAL EMERGENICES IN HISTORICAL CONTEXT: W.H. McNeill: Patterns of disease emergence in history; R.G. Webster: Influenza; K.M. Johnson: Emerging viruses in context: an Overview of viral hemorrhagic fevers; Section II: VIRUSES AND THE HOST: R. May: Ecology and evolution of host-virus association; B.N. Fields: Pathogenesis of viral infections; T.E. Shenk: Virus and cell: determinants of tissue trophism; Section III: SEEING THE UNSEEN: METHODS FOR DETECTING NEW VIRUSES: D.D. Richman: Virus detection systems; D. Ward: New technologies for virus detection; Section IV: EMERGING VIRUSES: WHERE THEY COME FROM; R.E. Shope & A.S. Evans: Assessing geographic and transport factors; T.P. Monath: Arthropod-borne viruses; J. LeDuc, J.E. Childs, G.E. Glass, & A.J. Watson: Hantaan (Korean hemorrhagic fever) and related rodent zoonoses; C.J. Peters: Filoviruses; B. Mahy: Seal plague virus; C.R. Parrish: Canine parvovirus 2, a probable example of interspecies transfer; F. Fenner: Human monkeypox - a newly-discovered human virus disease; M. Houghton: New hepatitis viruses; G. Meyers, J. Lawrence, & K. MacInnes: Phylogentic moments in the AIDS epidemic; Section V: HOW VIRUSES EVOLVE: J. Holland: Replication error, quansispecies populations, and extreme evolution rates of RNA viruses; H.M. Temin: The high rate of retrovirus variation results in rapid evolution; P. Palese: Evolution of influenza and RNA viruses; B. Murphy: Factors restraining emergence of new influenza viruses; J.H. Strauss: Recombination in evolution of RNA viruses; B. Eldridge: Evolutionary realtionships of vectors and viruses; Section VI: PROSPECTS FOT THE FUTURE; T. Lovejoy: Global change and epidemiology: nasty synergies; L.J. Legters & E. Takafuji: Are we prepared for a viral epidemic emergency?; D.A. Henderson: Surveillance systems and intergovernmental cooperation; E.D. Kilbourne: Afterword: a personal summary.
Customer Reviews
Edited By: Stephen S Morse
317 pages, B/w photos, figs
"Should appeal to a wide readership. It should be read by those responsible for curriculum design for medical and public health schools, by all professional workers dealing with infectious diseases, by biomedical writers responsible for informing the public, and by those responsible for determining priorities for the funding of health programs and biomedical research and training." --The New England Journal of Medicine
"A fascinating and worrisome discussion....Due to the importance and general interest of the subject, readers at many levels of expertise will be fascinated by Emerging Viruses." --BioScience