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Enter the Forest

Art / Photobook
By: Alexandre Miguel Maia(Author)
128 pages, 54 colour photos
Publisher: Kehrer Verlag
Enter the Forest
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  • Enter the Forest ISBN: 9783969001035 Hardback Feb 2023 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 2-3 weeks
Price: £41.99
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About this book

Versatile, largely untouched woodlands, often only fleeting moments of ever-changing flora, captured on analog film. In this way, Alexandre Maia continues a tradition that focuses on the German forest as a leitmotif in the field of photography. The photographer repeatedly wandered through German wetlands and heaths, as well as mixed, coniferous, and mountain forests during different weather conditions, times of day, and seasons – always focusing on the changing atmosphere. However, not only the phenomenon of forest solitude is a feature of this series, but also the expansion of views with regard to the climate and environmental consciousness. An awareness of the endangered natural kingdom is physically reflected in the production of the book – printed on certified recycled paper and produced in Germany, Enter the Forest thus captures the spirit of the time.

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Alexandre Miguel Maia (*1982) is a photographer based in Hamburg, Germany. At the age of seventeen he already worked as a 3D artist. His first experience in photography he gathered 2003 at a technical secondary school for interior design. There he quickly realized that analog photography suits his personality. Since then he has shown his work in several solo and group exhibitions in Hamburg. Enter the Forest is his first monograph.

Art / Photobook
By: Alexandre Miguel Maia(Author)
128 pages, 54 colour photos
Publisher: Kehrer Verlag
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