A reprint of a classical work in the Cambridge Library Collection.
Sir John Richardson (1787-1865), surgeon, naturalist and Arctic explorer, went on Sir John Franklin's first two Arctic expeditions as ship's doctor and naturalist, and made observations and collected a large number of plant and animal specimens from the Canadian Arctic. On his return to England after the second expedition he began to write this four-volume work of natural history, first published between 1829 and 1837. A volume is dedicated to each of the following classes: mammal (Volume 1); bird (Volume 2); fish (Volume 3); and insect (Volume 4) which are found in the Canadian Arctic. This work is an interesting example of pre-Darwinian natural history, full of detailed descriptions of the appearance, anatomy and behaviour of the different species.
Volume 1
Explanation of the references to authors
Systematic list of the species
Index to the species
Volume 2
Introduction John Richardson
Introductory observations on the natural system William Swainson
Preface William Swainson
List of authors
1. Vulturidae
2. Falconidae
3. Strigidae
Insessores: Dentirostres:
1. Lanidae
2. Merulidae
3. Sylvidae
4. Ampelidae
1. Fringillidae
2. Sturnidae
3. Corvidae
4. Curtipedes
1. Picidae
2. Certhidae
1. Trochilidae
1. Hirundinidae
2. Caprimulgidae
3. Halcyonidae
1. Tetraonidae
2. Columbidae
3. Grallatores
1. Anatidae
Volume 3
Osseous Fishes: Acanthopterygii:
1. Percoideae
2. Mulli
3. Cottoideae
4. Claenoideae
5. Sparoideae
6. Maenoideae
7. Chaetodontoideae
8. Anabasideae
9. Scomberoideae
10. Taenioideae
11. Siganoideae
12. Mugiloideae
13. Gobioideae
14. Batrachoideae
15. Labroideae
16. Fistularoideae
Malacopterygii Abdominalis:
1. Cyprinoideae
2. Esocidae
3. Siluroideae
4. Salmonoideae
5. Clupeoideae
Malacopterygii Subbrachiati:
1. Gadoideae
2. Platessoideae
3. Discoboli
Macacopterygii Apodes:
1. Anguilliformes
2. Lophobranchii
3. Plectognathi
Cartilaginous Fishes: Chondropterygii Eleutheropomi:
1. Sturionideae
Chondropterygii Trematopneontes:
1. Selachii
2. Cyclostomata
Volume 4
Subclass Mandibulata: Order Coleoptera:
1. Adephaga
2. Brachelytra
3. Entaphia
4. Necrophaga
5. Philhydrida
6. Lamellicornia
7. Sternoxa
8. Xylophaga
9. Rhyncophora
10. Phytophaga
11. Aphidiphaga
12. Heteromera
13. Malacoderma
Order Orthoptera:
1. Saltatoria
Order Neuroptera:
1. Libellulina
2. Perlina
Order Trichoptera: Order Hymenoptera:
1. Terebrantia
2. Urocerata
3. Parasita
4. Aculeata
Subclass Haustellata: Order Hemiptera:
1. Geocorisa
2. Hydrocorisa
Order Homoptera
Order Lepidoptera:
1. Diurna
2. Crepuscularia
3. Nocturna
Order Diptera:
1. Nemocera
2. Tanystoma
3. Athericera
Order Homaloptera
Order Aphaniptera.