This user-friendly field-guide gives comprehensive information for over 100 species and hybrids of ferns, clubmosses, quillworts and horsetails. Key features for successful identification are supported by clear silhouette illustrations and field notes. Many improved silhouettes have been prepared for the new edition and additional material on difficult groups has been included. The accessible style and format of the successful first edition has been retained, making it suitable for amateur and professional alike.
Preface to the second edition; Preface and acknowledgements to the first edition; Foreword; 1. Introduction; 2. Component parts of a fern; 3. Glossary of terms; 4. Taxonomic list of native species and hybrids; 5. Chart keys to the main pteridophyte groups; 6. Multi-access keys; 7. Botanical sub-divisions of Britain and Ireland; 8. Altitudinal distribution of native pteridophytes; 9. Environmental factors influencing native pteridophyte ranges; Part I. The Ferns: 10. Adiantum; 11. Anogramma; 12. Asplenium; 13. Asplenophyllitis; 14. Athyrium; 15. Blechnum; 16. Botrychium; 17. Ceterach; 18. Cryptogamma; 19. Cystopteris; 20. Dryopteris; 21. Gymnocarpium; 22. Hymenophyllum; 23. Ophioglossum; 24. Oreopteris; 25. Osmunda; 26. Phegopteris; 27. Phyllitis; 28. Pilularia; 29. Polypodium; 30. Polystichum; 31. Pteridium; 32. Thelypteris; 33. Trichomanes; 34. Woodsia; Part II. Clubmosses and Quillworts: 35. Diphasiastrum; 36. Huperzia; 37. Lycopodiella; 38. Lycopodium; 39. Selaginella; 40. Isoetes; Part III. Horsetails: 41. Equisetum; Bibliography; Index.
'It is heartening in these days, when so many authors assume the 'amateur' is incapable of serious study, that an enthusiastic expert has carried on the splendid tradition of helping the informed amateur naturalist as well as the professional botanist - and given people a tool to take them further into a fascinating subject.' Trevor James, BBC Wildlife '... invaluable book ... clear and succinct accounts of every species.' Trevor James, BBC Wildlife '... enlarged, expanded and greatly improved ... photographs which are relevant, informative and, frequently, beautiful ... The second edition is a great improvement on the excellent first, and is accessible by the specialist and beginner alike, both of whom will have much to gain from reference to, or browsing in, Dr Page's book.' James Merryweather, New Phytology 'This book is a good and valuable read and it is the most comprehensive book on British and Irish ferms. As these Isles harbour a wealth of species the book is of great interest to fern enthusiasts from abroad. If you do not have the first edition, this book is a must.' J. C. Vogel, Fern Gazette ' ... this is still clearly the best book available on British pteridophytes.' F. J. Rumsey, Annals of Botany 'Ferns of Britain and Ireland maintains its place as the best book on ferns in Britain.' Edinburgh Journal of Botany