The fields, woods and gardens of Britain and Europe are home to a wide range of edible mushrooms, a number of which are not simply good but truly excellent to eat.
This book is a practical, user-friendly guide to collecting edible wild fungi species across Britain and Europe. Covering all of the necessary identification features of over 70 edible mushroom and truffle species, along with over 50 poisonous species to avoid, the entries provide detailed information on size, appearance, occurrence and habitat, backed up with specially-commissioned colour photography, shot in situ and in natural light.
With tips on when and where to hunt for wild mushrooms, invaluable advice on preserving, storing and cooking them, advice on environmentally-friendly collecting, this book provides all the information a mushroom forager could need in one place.
Peter Jordan has had a life-long interest in mushrooms, and the countryside. For 10 years, he and his wife Valerie ran the the Lord Nelson in Burnham Market, which was known throughout the UK for its exotic wild mushroom dishes. Peter has appeared on television with chefs Gary Rhodes, Brian Turner and Hugh Fearnley Whittingstall, and he can be heard regularly on Radio Norfolk. Author of the much reprinted The Ultimate Mushroom Book (Lorenz) – now available as Peter Jordan's Wild Mushroom Bible, the video The Collectors' Guide to Wild Mushrooms and Peter Jordan's Mushroom Foray Guide, Peter now devotes his time to running The Tasty Mushroom Partnership in Norfolk.