Introduction to the study of both the development of algae and the structure of living and fixed cells in microscopic techniques.
Paperback re-issue, originally published in 1980.
Editor's preface; Introduction; Part I. Experimental Algal Systems and Techniques: 1. Control of morphogenesis in Micrasterias Oswald Kiermayer; 2. Control of development in Scenedesmus Francis R. Trainor; 3. Mating induction in Oedogonium Gerry J. C. Hill; 4. Gamete induction and flagellar adhesion in Chlamydomonas reinhardi William J. Snell; 5. Acetabularia: techniques for study of nucleo-cytoplasmic interrelationships Sigrid Berger and Hans-Georg Schweiger; 6. Gamete release, fertilization, and embryogenesis in the Fucales Ralph S. Quatrano; 7. Hybridization and genetics of brown algae Alan R. Polanshek and John A. West; 9. Development in red algae: elongation and cell fusion Susan D. Waaland; 10. Production and selection of mutants in blue-green algae Catherine L. R. Stevens and S. Edwards Stevens, Jr.; 11. Euglena: mutations, chloroplast 'bleaching', and differentiation Harvard Lyman and Karen Traverse; 12. Crpthecodinium: sexual reproduction and mutagenesis Robert C. Tuttle; 13. Protoplast and spheroplast production Marina Adamich and Barbara B. Hemmingsen; 14. Cytoplasts from coenocyic algal cells Yolande Kersey; 15. Cytoplasmic streaming and membrane phenomena in cells of Characeae Masashi Tazawa; 16. Microbeam irradiation in Mougeotia Wolfgang Haupt; 17. Phototropism: determination of an action spectrum in a tip-growing cell Hironao Kataoka; 18. Chromatic adaption in Fremyella diplosiphon and morphogenetic changes John F. Haury; 19. How to detect the presence of a circadian rhythm Beatrice M. Sweeney; Part II. Light and Electron Microscopy: Preparative Methods: 20. Photomicrography and special microscopic techniques J. Robert Waaland; 21. Polarized light, interference, and differential interference (Nomarski) optics Paul B. Green; 22. Preparation of algae for light microscopy Margaret E. McCully, Lynda J. Goff and Patricia C. Adshead; 23. Fixation, embedding, sectioning, and staining of algae for electron microscopy Bernhard E. F. Reimann, Eleanor L. Duke and Gary L. Floyd; 24. Cytochemical localization Richard N. Trelease; 25. Quantitative cytochemical measurement of DNA in Eudorina (Chlorophyceae) C. Lindley Kemp and K. K. Nair; 26. Autoradiography for light and electron microscopy Ruth E. Schmitter; 27. Immunochemistry: labeled antibodies Esther L. McCandless, Elizabeth Gordon-Mills and Valerie Vreeland; 28. Freeze-fracture and freeze-etch techniques L. Andrew Staehelin; 29. Preparation of algae for scanning electron microscopy Jeremy D. Pickett-Heaps; 30. Replica production and negative staining Elisabeth Gantt; 31. Preparation of shadow-cast whole mounts Ojvind Moestrup and Helge A. Thonsen; 32. Stereology: quantitative electron microscopic analysis Wayne R. Fagerberg; Part III. Appendixes: 33. Culture collections; 34. List of suppliers; Part IV. Indexes: 35. Subject; 36. Author; 37. Taxonomic.