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Akademische und professionelle Bücher  Evolutionary Biology  Human Evolution

Human Biodiversity Genes, Race and History

By: Jonathan Marks(Author)
321 pages, 53 illustrations
Human Biodiversity
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  • Human Biodiversity ISBN: 9780202020334 Paperback Dec 1995 Not in stock: Usually dispatched within 1-2 weeks
Price: £43.99
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About this book

Are humans unique? This simple question, at the very heart of the hybrid field of biological anthropology, poses one of the false of dichotomies – with a stereotypical humanist answering in the affirmative and a stereotypical scientist answering in the negative. The study of human biology is different from the study of the biology of other species. In the simplest terms, people's lives and welfare may depend upon it, in a sense that they may not depend on the study of other scientific subjects. Where science is used to validate ideas – four out of five scientists preferring a brand of cigarettes or toothpaste – there is a tendency to accept the judgment as authoritative without asking the kinds of questions we might ask of other citizens' pronouncements. In Human Biodiversity, Marks has attempted to distill from a centuries-long debate what has been learned and remains to be learned about the biological differences within and among human groups. His is the first such attempt by an anthropologist in years, for genetics has undermined the fundamental assumptions of racial taxonomy. The history of those assumptions from Linnaeus to the recent past – the history of other, more useful assumptions that derive from Buffon and have reemerged to account for genetic variation – are the poles of Marks' exploration.

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Jonathan Marks is a professor of anthropology, at the University of North Carolina, Charlotte. He earned his M.S. in genetics, and M.A. and Ph.D. in anthropology at the University of Arizona, and has conducted postdoctoral research in genetics at the University of California at Davis. Mark's work on "molecular anthropology" has been widely published in professional journals.

By: Jonathan Marks(Author)
321 pages, 53 illustrations
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