The Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute has collected and published information on occasional strandings, sightings and gear entanglement of marine mammals for more than 50 years from a vast network of trained field staff located at its research and field centres along the entire Indian coast. More than 85% of the publications on marine mammals in India are by the CMFRI.
To create interest and awareness among students, researchers, naturalists and conservationists on marine mammals occurring in the Indian seas, the researchers at CMFRI have prepared species profiles, which provide basic and interesting information on these charismatic animals. They have presented results of research projects on marine mammals and compiled available information from a large body of literature so that this publication serves as a source of ready reference to those interested in marine mammals. This publication will pave the way for producing a large number of marine mammalogists in the country to undertake advanced research on marine mammals in lndia and in the region as well.