The rich biodiversity of Borneo provides many useful plants for medicinal purposes. Written by experts in the field, Medicinal Plants of Borneo provides a guide and introduction to the medicinal plants from Borneo used traditionally as well as plants whose medicinal uses have been recently discovered. These include anti-HIV plants – such as Calophyllum lanigerum (calanolide A) – and anti-cancer plants – such as Aglaia foveolata (silvestrol). The book also provides information on the relevant medicinal chemistry, such as isolated bioactive compounds and the mechanism of action, where available.
1. Anti-Malarial Plants / Farid Kuswantoro and Stephen P. Teo
2. Anti-Fungal Plants / Stephen P. Teo
3. Anti-Mycobacterial Plants / Stephen P. Teo
4. Anti-Viral Plants / Stephen P. Teo
5. Anti-Cancer Plants / Farid Kuswantoro and Stephen P. Teo
6. Anti-Diabetic Plants / Farid Kuswantoro and Stephen P. Teo
7. Plants for Fever Remedy / Farid Kuswantoro
8. Anti-Hypertensive Plants / Stephen P. Teo
9. Anti-Diarrhoeal Plants / Irawan Wijaya Kusuma
10. Plants for Eye-Related Diseases / Stephen P. Teo
11. Plants Used in Dental Treatment / Stephen P. Teo
12. Poisonous Plants Used as Blowpipe Dart / Stephen P. Teo
13. Plants Used to Treat Arthritis / Meekiong Kalu and Mohd Razip Asaruddin
14. Plants Used for Wound Healing / Tukirin Pratomidhardjo
Simon Gibbons is a Professor of Medicinal Phytochemistry at the School of Pharmacy, University College London (UCL). Among his research interests are antibacterial plant natural products, natural product bacterial resistance modifying agents, the chemistry and pharmacology of novel psychoactive substances and drugs of abuse and phytochemistry of herbal drugs. He is founding Editor-in-Chief of the journal Phytochemistry Letters, and currently serves on the Editorial Advisory Board of the book series Progress in the Chemistry of Organic Natural Products (Zechmeister; Springer Verlag, Vienna) and is a member of the Editorial Boards of the journals Natural Product Reports, Planta Medica, Phytochemistry Reviews, Phytochemical Analysis, Phytotherapy Research, Fitoterapia, Pharmaceutica Scientia and Chinese Journal of Natural Medicine.
Stephen P. Teo is attached to the Forest Department Sarawak and has more than two decades of experience working in the department. His interest is in the plant biodiversity of Borneo and has published papers and or books on plant taxonomy, ecology and conservation, economic plants, pharmacognosy and phytochemistry as well as undertaking extensive fieldwork throughout Borneo.