This monograph summarizes several decades of collaborations between ecologists and mathematicians, presenting novel applications in biological modelling. The authors are among the first researchers to pioneer the use of dynamical systems models to successfully describe and predict animal behaviour in relation to environmental changes. The text highlights the biological and mathematical techniques used in the research, including three main components: 1) large data sets on natural populations in the field; 2) mathematical models rigorously tied to data, which describe, explain, and predict behavioural dynamics in relation to environmental variables; and 3) simplified, proof-of-concept models to probe dynamic mechanisms, suggest testable hypotheses, and allow study of the consequences of environmental change and evolving traits. It is a suitable text for field ecologists interested in the modelling procedures and conclusions addressed therein, as well as mathematicians interested in applications to population, ecological, and evolutionary dynamics.
- Influence of Environmental Factors on Animal Behavior: Univariate Models
- Influence of Environmental Factors on Animal Behavior: Multivariate Models
- Cannibalism and Climate Change
- Models of Population Dynamics
- Evolutionary Consequences
- Concluding Thoughts
- Appendix