Language: Bilingual in English and Spanish
From the introduction:
"Polypores (Polyporaceae s. l., Basidiomycetes) are among the largest and most conspicuous fungi in all forests of the world. Though easily recognized in the field by their large basidiomes and the poroid configuration of the hymenophore, they are a highly diverse, polyphyletic group of organisms, highly diverse regarding their microscopy, biology and function. Their main role in nature as wood decayers of standing trees and fallen wood makes them key elements in the dynamics and health of any type of forest worldwide. ln 1991 l had the occasion to move, work and live in the center of the Patagonian Andes in Argentina. Since then l have had the opportunity to regularly visit the beautiful forests of the whole region, from Neuquén in the North to Tierra del Fuego in the South. Numerous phytopathological and botanical expeditions, which included most of the forest types present in the region, allowed me to recognize a richer polypore diversity than previously known (Wright & Deschamps 1972, 1975). Thus, the number of taxa increased from 34 (Rajchenberg 1989) to 62 and, this fact, triggered the idea to bring all the information together into this manual. Another reason to prepare this publication has been the peculiarities of the mycobiota of this area, which includes numerous endemics and species with austral distribution, and peculiar genera and taxa of pathologic, mycologic and taxonomic interest.
The aim of this work has been to present a study of the polypores from the Patagonian Andes forests of Argentina, including their morphology, pathogenicity and relevant cultural characters."
Introduction 6
Acknowledgements 7
The forests of Southern Argentina 11
The Polypores of Patagonia. Taxonomy and Diversity 15
Morphology 24
Hyphal systems 27
Cultural characters 30
Sexuality 32
Nuclear behavior of the mycelium 33
Wood-rots 36
Pathogenicity 38
Mycogeography 40
Conservation 42
Edibility 42
Materials & Methods 43
Keys to genera and species 65
A. Key to genera based on macro and microscopic characteristics 65
B. Key to species based on macroscopic characteristics 69
C. Key to genera and species based on microscopic and chemical
characteristics 78
Descriptions of taxa 83
References 285
Index 295