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Although conservationists justifiably lament the loss of biological and genetic diversity caused by forest clearance, it is not generally appreciated that these losses are often the direct result of deliberate government policies. This book explores the role of governments in accelerating the rate of forest destruction by providing direct and indirect subsidies to support what would otherwise by non-commercial operations. Without these financial incentives, most timber operations in the tropics would cease.
This important reference investigates forest policies in Indonesia, Malaysia, Philipines, China, Brazil, West Africa and the USA.
Customer Reviews
Edited By: R Repetto and M Gillis
445 pages, Tabs
Its serious and reasoned approach is a breath of fresh air and contains much of interest to foresters--it should be required reading for anyone in tropical forestry. --Journal of Forestry "...this volume succeeds admirably as a (possibly bitter) tonic for any who remain faithful to the view that the cause of environmental protection is solved by simply putting government in charge. It also provides much valuable raw material for future empirical work, in the form of rich institutional detail and a host of hy[otheses concerning the effects of specific government policies on deforestation." Robert T. Deacon, Forest Science