Technologies for soil remediation require real knowledge and understanding of the processes involved and a correct and complete numerical approach in order to reach the best results at the lowest possible cost. The authors focus on the improvement of the scientific base for the development of integrated indicators of the environmental risks created by the presence of pollutants in water and porous media. They deliver insights into the understanding of integrated process, and also modeling capabilities. The establishment of a set of integrated indicators to evaluate the pollution status and risk of water resources will considerably aid environmental agencies, administrators and regulators and profit the society as a whole.
From the contents:Processes: The unsaturated zone; Stable isotope analysis to assess biodegradation of petroleum hydrocarbons in the unsaturated zone; Bioavailability of persistens organic pollutants in soils; Metallurgical waste; Adsorption-desorption processes; Interactions between organic pollutants and soil components.- Modelling: Incorporating geomicrobial processes in reactive transport models; Simulation of microbial degradation on contaminant plume development; Enhancement of solute spreading in soils; Solute contaminant transport; Analytical model for gravity-driven drainage.- Integration: Hydrogeophysical characterization of subsurface solute transport at the Krauthausen test site; Tracer experiments; Partial source treatment by in-situ technologies.