There are an estimated 40,000 species of chrysomelids, or leaf beetles, worldwide. These biologically interesting and often colorful organisms, such as the tortoise beetles, have a broad range of life histories and fascinating adaptations. For example, there are chrysomelids with shortened wings (brachypterous) and elytra (brachelytrous), other species are viviparous, and yet other leaf beetles have complicated anti predator-parasitoid defenses. Some species, such as corn rootworms (several species in the genus "Diabrotica") constitute major agricultural crop pests. Research on Chrysomelidae, Volume 2 is a the second volume of a series of volumes on the Chrysomelidae edited by Jolivet, Santiago-Blay, and Schmitt.
List of contributors 7
Foreword 11
Preface 13
Constraints on larval feeding morphology and selective removal of host-plant trichomes by a monophagous cassidine beetle 15
Danessa S. Boligon; Lenice Medeiros; Rosy M. S. Isaias, and Gilson R. P. Moreira
Chrysomelids and their host plants along an altitudinal gradient in an Atlantic rain forest in the State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 31
Vivian Flinte, Margarete Valverde de Macedo, and Ricardo Ferreira Monteiro
Chrysomelidae of the Lesser Sunda Islands: Wallace’s Line and the crossing of worlds 57
Mohamed S. Mohamedsaid
Retournement of the aedeagus in Chrysomelidae – revisited 105
Krishna K.Verma
Proceedings of the 6th international symposium on the Chrysomelidae 115
Introduction 116
Oviposition by Pyrrhalta viburni (Paykull) on dead plant material: successful reproductive strategy or maladaptive behavior? 119
Gaylord A. Desurmont, Charissa M. Fritzen, and Paul A. Weston
Flea beetle diversity of the Sierra Tarahumara, Copper Canyon, Mexico (Chrysomelidae: Alticinae) 131
David G. Furth
Morphology of the adult and immature stages, biology, and phylogenetic placement of Donaciasta goeckei Monrós, 1958 (Chrysomelidae: Donaciinae: Donaciini) 153
Elizabeth Grobbelaar
Glands of leaf beetle larvae – protective structures against attacking predators and pathogens 177
Jürgen Gross and Henrike Schmidtberg
Extraocular photoreceptors and frontal grooves in Criocerinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) 191
Uta Heidenreich, Anke Schmitz, and Michael Schmitt
Altica litigata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae): a DNA approach to species verification 201
Tracie M. Jenkins, Tyler D. Eaton, and Z. Chen
Biogeography and biology of the New Caledonian Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) 211
Pierre Jolivet and Krishna K. Verma
Chromosomal evolution and trophic affiliation in the genus Chrysolina (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) 225
Eduard Petitpierre and Yuri Mikhailov
Leaf beetles from the Mecsek Hills (Southern Hungary). History of entomological research on the territory and some remarks on the Hungarian chrysomelid fauna (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) 235
Károly Vig
Abstract: Diversity patterns of African Galerucinae 255
Thomas Wagner
Color plates 257
Subject index 279
Zoological index 285
Botanical index 297
"This book can't help but engage the reader because its focus is the family Chrysomelidae and the editors have put together a fascinating family album."
- May Berenbaum, Department of Entomology, University of Illinois
"Contrary to the somewhat dry title of the book, it contains 20 very interesting contributions [of which] the main scientific value is not just in alpha-taxonomy [...] but rather in the fields of ecology and phylogeny."
- Translated from: M.A. Jäch, Koleopterologische Rundschau, vol. 79, p.320, July 2009
"The publications in this second volume are predominantly of high scientific level. Not only Chrysomelidae-friends will appreciate this book."
- Translated from: M.A. Jäch, Koleopterologische Rundschau, vol. 80, p.170, September 2010
"The high sales price is worth the information in this book. It should be available at every entomological institute that seriously studies leaf beetles."
- Ron Beenen, translated from Entomologische Berichten (2010)