Language: Bilingual in English and Danish
This checklist of Danish Lepidoptera is the fourth in a series of modern lists / catalogues (Karsholt & Nielsen, 1976; Schnack (ed.), 1985; Karsholt & Stadel Nielsen, 1998 - also known as the orange, the blue and the green catalogue, respectively). The need to produce such lists at 10-15 year intervals reflects a high level of activity in Danish lepidopterology. No less than 118 species new to Denmark have been found since the publication of the last list in 1998. However, it also reflects the ongoing international research into the taxonomy and classification of the Lepidoptera. The purpose of these lists has been both to provide as accurate an overview of the Danish Lepidoptera fauna as possible and to present this in a context that reflects the most recent knowledge of lepidopterological research.