In Volume 2, 11 chapters on hazard assessment schemes are described in great detail by way of a homogeneous structure that all contributors had to follow. These comprehensive texts allow readers to know the different approaches/strategies, based on applying batteries of bioassays, that are being used internationally to assess the toxic potential of complex environmental media (e.g., effluents, sediments) impacted by chemical contamination stemming from human activities.
Academia (students, professors), government (environmental managers, scientists, regulators) and consulting professionals (biologists, chemists, engineers) should find this volume of interest. For example, Volume 2 contents offer relevant knowledge on how to deal with (non)point source pollution issues exemplified by case studies taken from "real world situations", thereby enabling the right decisions to be taken to ensure protection of aquatic environments.
From the contentsPart 1. Introduction.- Overview of contemporary toxicity testing.- Part 2. Hazard Assessment Schemes with the Batteries of Bioassays.- Hazard assessment of liquid media.- Hazard assessment of solid media.