Shows that natural selection is the principal underlying force molding life history variation. The book describes in particular the ways in which variation can be analyzed and predicted. It covers both the genetic and optimization approaches to life history analysis and gives an overview of the general framework of life history theory and the mathematical tools by which predictions can be made and tested. Factors affecting the age schedule of birth and death and the costs of reproduction are discussed.
Life history variation - a first look; quantitative genetic background; life history theory - a framework; methods of analysis; age schedules of birth and death; costs of reproduction; age and size at maturity; reproductive effort; clutch size; offspring size; final thoughts. Appendices: a brief review of differentiation.
The Evolution of Life Histories is a superb book...The evolution of life histories is very readable...each chapter addressess its subject in both mathematical and empirical terms and concludes with a succinct, but informative summary, which adds greatly to the value of the book...The book is extremelly well organised with clear chapter sub-divisions, well thought out tables and excellent use is made of figures. All in all this is an excellent book and should appeal to scientists interested in ecological and evolutionary processes at every level from advanced undergraduate upwards. The very reasonable price means that there is really no excuse why this book should not grace a great many personal library shelves and it should be included in any university library catalogue as a matter of course. Bulletin of Entomological Research; The Evolution of Life Histories is a superb book...The evolution of life histories is very readable...each chapter addressess its subject in both mathematical and empirical terms and concludes with a succinct, but informative summary, which adds greatly to the value of the book...The book is extremelly well organised with clear chapter sub-divisions, well thought out tables and excellent use is made of figures. All in all this is an excellent book and should appeal to scientists interested in ecological and evolutionary processes at every level from advanced undergraduate upwards. The very reasonable price means that there is really no excuse why this book should not grace a great many personal library shelves and it should be included in any university library catalogue as a matter of course. Bulletin of Entomological Research; The Evolution of Life Histories is a superb book...The evolution of life histories is very readable...each chapter addressess its subject in both mathematical and empirical terms and concludes with a succinct, but informative summary, which adds greatly to the value of the book...The book is extremelly well organised with clear chapter sub-divisions, well thought out tables and excellent use is made of figures. All in all this is an excellent book and should appeal to scientists interested in ecological and evolutionary processes at every level from advanced undergraduate upwards. The very reasonable price means that there is really no excuse why this book should not grace a great many personal library shelves and it should be included in any university library catalogue as a matter of course. Bulletin of Entomological Research