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The Poacher's Moon The True Story of Higgins & Lady

Biography / Memoir
By: Richard Peirce(Author), Jacqueline Peirce(Illustrator)
122 pages, colour photos
Publisher: Shark Cornwall
The Poacher's Moon
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  • The Poacher's Moon ISBN: 9780955869457 Edition: 1 Paperback Aug 2013 In stock
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About this book Customer reviews Related titles

About this book

Richard Peirce is best known as a shark conservationist and as the author of Sharks in British Seas, Sharks off Cornwall & Devon, and Shark Attack Britain. Richard and his wife Jacqui, now live in South Africa for part of the year where they spend a lot of time in the bush following their passion for wildlife. The Poacher's Moon, first edition, is the true story of attacks by poachers on rhinos in three private game reserves. Higgins and Lady are two rhinos which survived having their horns hacked out of their heads, and this is their story. It is also the story of other rhinos which didn't survive, and of rhino poaching in South Africa.

A portion of the net proceeds from sales of The Poacher’s Moon will be donated by Richard and Jacqui Peirce to "on the ground" rhino protection against poaching.

Negotiations are currently underway for a film to be produced based on the book.

Customer Reviews

Biography / Memoir
By: Richard Peirce(Author), Jacqueline Peirce(Illustrator)
122 pages, colour photos
Publisher: Shark Cornwall
Media reviews

Amazon reviews:

The Poacher's Moon
by John Boyle (05-10-2013)

"This is an incredibly moving story, extremely well told. Richard Peirce draws together the threads of the tale through the eyes of those most closely involved, and has sourced images taken at the time that graphically illustrate the book. You can't reach the end without feeling frustrated anger at how little is still being achieved to prevent this barbaric poaching – yet also just a touch of optimism that these two terribly mutilated creatures could become icons that help turn the tide before it's too late. It would be amazing if this pair of rhinos could one day produce a calf and in the author's words "raise a finger to the poachers" and say "You did your worst... despite which we survived and won.""

by Matt Adams (02-10-2013)

A detailed and well written account of the brutal reality of rhino poaching on a small game reserve in South Africa. The book details the emotional attachment between man and animal and also demonstrates the financial side of the conflict. It is a compelling read and makes a reality out of something which sometimes feels easy to ignore. I strongly suggest that you purchase the book and by doing so contribute to the effort to save a species which has been on the planet far longer than we have.

Essential reading for ALL wildlife enthusiasts!
by Heather Chapman (01-10-2013)

This compelling, powerful and provocative account of Rhino poaching in the Western Cape is well written, thoroughly researched and absolutely ESSENTIAL reading for anyone interested in this tragic state of affairs.

Unreservedly recommended for any wildlife enthusiast. The photographs also speak for themselves - once seen, can not be forgotten.

A must!

A well written book, a fascinating insight into the Rhino poacher's world
by David (UK) (26-09-2013)

Well worth reading for the detailed insight into the problems faced by both the small and massive game parks. The lengths that the small parks go to to protect their Rhinos and their emotional attachment to them is well described. The new ways to make it unprofitable for the poachers is intriguing and clearly put forward. The wealth of data relating to the Rhinos and to poaching is extremely extensive and compelling.

Media reviews:

"Excellent. The Poacher's Moon is written straight from the author's heart and will by measure, amaze, inform and shock any animal lover who reads it."
– Tim Davison, Editor

"Amazing, moving and well told. What a great story! Congratulations."
– John Boyle, Shark Bay Films, UK

"The Poacher's Moon skilfully depicts a horrifying nightmare. Thanks to Richard Peirce for the wakeup call."
– Deborah England-Kerr, Colorado, U.S.A 

"The Poacher's Moon is a fantastic account of what happened at Fairy Glen, and I am sure it will be a big success not only as a true story but also from an educational perspective. Reading The Poacher's Moon brought back both painful and happy memories. As someone who wasn't there at the time of the tragic events, Richard has captured what happened with almost uncanny accuracy."
– Pieter de Jager, Owner of Fairy Glen Reserve

"After we did the first horn treatment Richard interviewed me several times both on the phone and at the Inverdoorn reserve. The Poacher's Moon is a realistic actual account of rhino horn poaching today. I am glad The Poacher's Moon mentions the treatment we used which I believe is an effective way to defend the species. Richard Peirce is an experienced and dedicated conservationist and writer and has used his skills to portray a true picture of the barbarity happening to rhino and other species in Africa. A disturbing but very good read."
– Damien Vergnaud, Rhino Protect Founder

"The Poacher's Moon has brought back vivid memories of the tragedy at the Aquila Game Reserve in 2011. From the sadness and devastation a positive was created and Saving Private was born. This organisation has led to arrests, ivory and horn worth millions has been seized, and rangers trained in anti-poaching tactics. My thanks to Richard Peirce for his dedication to Africa's rhino, and I applaud his efforts to keep the poaching epidemic at the forefront of everyone's mind. "
– Searl Derman, Owner of Aquila Game Reserve

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