Sulfate reducers are found in diverse environments ranging from estuaries to oil-bearing formations, and have attracted considerable scientific and commercial interest. The Sulfate-Reducing Bacteria presents a full summary of our knowledge of sulfate-reducing bacteria.
- Characteristics and Activities of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria; L.L. Barton, F.A. Tomei
- Sulfate-reducing Archaea; R.K. Thauer, J. Kunow
- Taxonomic Relationships; E, Stackebrandt, et al.
- Respiratory Sulfate Reduction; J.M. Akagi
- Characteristics of Electron Transfer Proteins; L. Chen, et al
- Solute Transport and Cell Energetics; H. Cypionka
- Molecular Biology of Redoxactive Metal Proteins from Desulfovibrio; W.M.A.M. van Dongen
- Ecology of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria; G.D. Fauque
- Biocorrosion; W.A. Hamilton, W. Lee
- Control in Industrial Settings; T.R. Jack, D.W.S. Westlake
- Metabolism of Environmental Contaminants by Mixed and Pure Cultures of Sulfate-reducing Bacteria; B.D. Ensley, J.M. Suflita